Ch.14: Goodnight, Sherlock

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Chapter 14:

I look around confused. We didn't blow up.

I walk toward the bomb and peer down at it. The timer has stopped and is blinking.

Deep laughter erupts from behind me.

"Your face!" Sherlock mocks John between laughs.

John's face turns red with anger,"You utter... You!"

"Your face. I totally had you!" He cackles.

John charges at him,"You cock! I knew it. I knew it! I-"

Sherlock dodges him,"Oh those things, you said such sweet things. I never knew you cared," he smiles and looks at me,"So you do love me?"

My eyes turn red and I successfully tackle him to the ground. My powers may be weakened, but I still know martial arts.

"You knew! You knew how to turn it off!" I roar.

He falls apart in laughter again,"There's an off switch!" he cackles,"There's always an off switch. Terrorists can get into all sorts of problems unless there's an off switch."

"And you did call the police," John states.

The sociopath scoffs,"Of course I called the police."

"I'm definitely going to kill you," John hisses.

"Not before me!" I growl.

Sherlock rolls his eyes,"Oh please. Killing me. That's so two years ago."

We stare at him silently. He frowns,"Too soon?"

I get off him, making sure to elbow him in the gut as I do so. "Much too soon."

I stand and cross my arms,"Did you do something to me?" I question.

He groans and lifts himself off the ground, holding his stomach. "...Left jacket pocket."

I frown and check my pocket. I feel something and yelp as it burns my skin. I quickly pull it out and drop it on the floor.

I stare down at it then glare at Sherlock,"Darkwood?! Where did you even get that?"

"Mycroft told me it weakens your kind," he smirks,"He was right apparently."

I bristle,"You went so far, just to have John forgive you and for me to- What is it you wanted from me?" I question,"To hear me say I love you? I do, but I also love Tom. My love for you is different than it is with him."

"Why?!" he snarls,"Why do you pick him over me? Why does he always get everything?!"

I frown and cross my arms again,"I detect some underlying issues here."

"Don't even!" he hisses,"This is not about my brother and I-"

"Oh so he is your brother after all," I smirk,"Do you believe we are vampires then?"

"Guys!" John shouts to get our attention. "Let's just get out of here. You two can argue when we are not around a bomb."

Sherlock and I grumble a bit, but follow him out of the train car.

We meet up with the police and tell them we found and disabled the bomb, then we head for Baker street.


I flop down on the couch, still not feeling myself because of the Darkwood Sherlock had planted on me.

Darkwood is an ancient bark of a tree that weakens and burns vampires. It is like our kryptonite in a way.

Vampire on Baker street ( A Sherlock fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now