Ch.6: My hostage!

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Chapter 6:

"I think we should be looking for an old unused sweets factory," Sherlock tells Lestrade.

We are now at the police station telling the inspector our findings.

"Sweets factory?" he glances at John and I,"Is he serious?"

I nod,"Traces of chocolate was found in the footprint."

Sherlock seems to be in his mind palace when he suddenly opens his eyes,"I'VE GOT IT!" he shouts and rushes out the door whilst shouting the address to the rest of us.

We make it to the old factory in minutes and rush inside.

On the floor nearby are dozens of candy wrappers. I crouch and sniff while Sherlock tastes one.

"Mercury," he mutters.

I stand and send a smirk to Lestrade,"Happy eating that tie."

He stares at me mouth agape. Sherlock stands,"The story of Hansel and Gretel. The more they eat the faster they die."

"Neat!" Both Sherlock and I say together.

John gives us a disapproving look. I roll my eyes at him and then turn around, my ears perking up.

"They are over there!" I shout and rush through the building.

I get there just before Donovan and crouch by the sickly children.

"Please...Help us," the little girl croaks as she holds onto her unconscious brother.

"We need help!" Donovan shouts for others. She then gives me a dirty look.

I smirk and stand, taking a step back as the children are taken care of by the police.

We leave for the hospital where the kids get treatment, and wait for our turn to talk to the girl who is the only one awake.

"Don't scare her," John reminds his friend.

"She is just a child!" Sherlock scoffs,"I wouldn't dare."

Lestrade walks out of the girl's room,"All yours. She is a bit shaken so be gentle with her."

We nod and Sherlock enters first with a sweet smile on his face,"Hi, we would just-"

As soon as the girl turns to look at him, she starts to scream bloody murder.

Our eyes widen and Lestrade pulls us out of the room.


"Why did she react like that to Sherlock?" John questions as we sit in Lestrade's office.

The man shrugs,"She was still freaked out from the whole ordeal," he glances at Sherlock,"Well don't let it get to you. I always feel like screaming when you walk into a room. In fact so do most people," he chuckles.

Sherlock gazes out the window, not commenting.

I sit atop the inspector's desk and grab at his tie, I smirk at him,"I hope you did not forget your bet?"

He gulps then frowns,"So how did you know about the murcury?"

"Yeah," Donovan joins in from the doorway,"You found out that clue before we even knew where to look. And Sherlock," she glances at the man,"You found the location from just a wood sample."

John smiles,"They are both brilliant, aye?"

She nods slowly,"Yeah."

Sherlock walks toward the door and she steps in front of him,"Almost too good to be true."

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