Ch.54: America

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Chapter 54:

Sara's POV:

Weeks have passed since that dreadful day. Mary's body was cremated, and John had to once again make that lonely walk through the graveyard.

Sherlock explained to me what happened that night, then he closed himself off from everyone. I know he feels responsible for Mary's death. He vowed to keep her safe... and in the end he couldn't. John resents him for this and hasn't spoke to Sherlock since that day, and he doesn't plan to anytime soon either. I have seen him a few times, helping with the baby when I can since he is in no state of mind to do so.

Everything is a mess. Mary's death hit everyone hard... and I am not sure how we will get over it. We never will fully, but we can't let it hold us back from living. I've had more than enough friends die in my lifetime... it never gets easier, but I find that I am able to cope faster.

John is a zombie most days when I see him. He usually stays in bed, or sits in his chair in silence. Getting him to eat is a chore, and bathing is further out of the question. I know it will take a long time for John to come to terms with Mary's death, but he needs to step up and be there for his daughter. Mary wouldn't have wanted to see him like this.

His hatred of Sherlock hasn't waned. He has forbid me from taking Rosie to Baker street, and had refused to see Sherlock the one time he came by the house. That was just before Sherlock threw himself into his work. I know John's anger toward Sherlock is ill placed, but he is beyond reasoning with at the moment. I just hope that in the future they can make up.

Sherlock is another problem. He has been MIA for the better part of a week now. After moping around the flat for the first week, he has pushed himself into solving cases to get his mind off of everything. But in doing so, he is pushing everyone further away. He is rarely at the flat anymore, and when he is he hardly speaks to me or Mrs.Hudson. I know he is hurting, but I just wish he would come talk to me about it instead of pushing it away.


"I can't leave them like this!" I am currently in Mycroft's office. He just told me that he is sending me on a mission to America.

"People die everyday, Sara. And more will die if you do not help us," Mycroft says coldly,"Sherlock and John are adults. They can grieve and move on themselves."

I clench my hands into fists,"...What is the mission?"

"An undercover agent stole missile plans and ran off to New York city with them. My intel tells me that he is meeting with a buyer in three days," he informs me,"They are meeting at a gala being held in the Baxton hotel. You and Tom are to intercept the man before the handoff is made, and drag him back to England where we can 'dispose' of him as we please." He gives me that snarky smile of his and clasps his hands together.

I purse my lips in thought and cross my arms. "There is no way I am getting out of this, is there?"

He shakes his head.

I groan,"Why can't Tom just go?"

Mycroft slides a file across his desk to me. I pick it up and look over the contents.

"Well, we have been led to believe that he may not he human."

My eyes widen and i look up from the paper,"Vampire?"

He shrugs,"It is unknown to us. Which is why we are taking extra precautions and sending the two of you."

I frown but nod. "When do we leave?"

"Right now actually."

Tom then walks into the room with two bags slung over his shoulder. He gives me an apologetic look.

Vampire on Baker street ( A Sherlock fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now