Akatsuki x Reader [Vampire Knight]

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(Y/n) POV

There was a scream, then fire. The air was thinning and you were suffocating. You tried to look for an escape from the flames but there were none, just a sea of blazing flames.

Sweat beaded your forehead and you could feel the flames licking your skin. You wanted to scream but couldn't, fear paralysing your body. Hot tears trailed down your face as the flames came closer and closer.

"H-help!..." You weakly said hoping someone would hear you.

You buried your face in your arms and sat in a fetus position and waiting for your moment of death. Suddenly, there was someone moving you! Something was moving, It was an earthquake too now! Everything was shaking and a building was going to give in and crush you when-

Your eyes snapped open and you were panting. You were in bed, sweating and scared as hell. Tears stained your cheeks but two hands wrapped around your body. They belonged to none other than your loving boyfriend Akatsuki.

"(Y/n), wake up. Shh, it's ok. It was just a nightmare. Nothing's going to hurt you now." He cooed with that soft and alluring voice of his.

Akatsuki cradled your body in his arms and lightly stroked your hair trying to clam you. Sniffling, you took deep breaths to calm down.

"That's right, it's ok now." He said slowly lulling back to sleep.

You felt a lot safer in his arms and felt a kiss on your forehead before sleep took over again, and this time with no nightmares.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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