Movie Night - Sting x Reader [FT]

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Requested by @ELLIE-JELLY. Thank you for requesting and sorry for the long wait. Everyone else, please keep commenting requests!

~jade-san, may-chan, and melody-san


Sting x Reader

"Pass the popcorn."


"Give it to me."

"Too lazy."

I glared at the blonde Dragon Slayer. "Sting, give me the popcorn or I'll burn off your hair."

He sighed, but sluggishly moved his arm to hand me the popcorn bowl. "Here, Ms. Bossy Pants."

I took the bowl and whacked him upside the head with the back of my hand.

"Ow! (y/n)!"

"Don't '(y/n)' me!" I growled.

"You're such a meanie, (y/n)." Sting grinned.

"But you love me anyways."


I ignored him, and focused on the television screen. It was some crazy action movie that Sting had picked out. Stuff blew up here and there, a couple decapitated bodies, and a sappy love story on the side, just to top it all off.

On the screen, a woman screamed, before she was shot by a laser gun. Aliens started falling from the sky, and Sting whooped.

"This is the best part!" he cried, throwing a handful of popcorn in the air.

"Remind me why Rogue or Yukino couldn't make this movie night again." I sighed.

"Rogue's too busy, and Yukino had a date." Sting shrugged. "That online dating website again."

"I don't like the fact that she's doing that." I announced, popping more popcorn in my mouth. "She could be meeting up with a serial killer or something."

"Yeah, but she can do what she wants. She is a little desperate, don't you think?" Sting's eyes were glued to the TV.

I looked back at the TV to see aliens abducting random people. I wasn't really into these type of movies and was really bored. Could this possibly get any worse? Hopefully not.

Suddenly, the lights started to flicker, then went out. "Aww, great! Just great." I said sighed. Spoke too soon.

"BUT...BUT...THE ALIENS!" cried Sting.

"Just shut up and help me get the lights back on." I growled, getting off the couch.

I carefully tried to walk around the house and find a flashlight or something when I heard a strange noise. "Sting, did you heard that?" I asked, whirling around.

"No, what?"

My mouth went dry. "That noise."

"I didn't hear anything." Sting frowned.

"Um, just stay close to me so you don't...get lost or something."

I could see Sting's grin in the dark. "Oh (y/n), are you scared?"

"What?! No way." I crossed my arms, letting out a huff. "I'm not scared of some little noise."

"You know what you're also not?" Sting replied, grabbing my wrist and pulling me closer to his chest.

I felt my cheeks flush. ""

He whispered in my hair, "A good liar."

I bit my lip. "Sting, what are you-"

"Don't worry, (y/n)." he interrupted me, putting his arm around my shoulders. "I'll protect you from the scary noises."

Anime One Shots [not updating]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora