Chapter 7:You can try,But you wont escape us

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"Frisk,Can you direct me to Alphys,I want to pay a small visit to..Introduce her to (Y/N)",Chara grinned slightly as he was entertained by his own lie.
"Sure! Sadly I can't stay long. I have to do dome business",Frisk said frowning.
"Maybe next time",(Y/N) blurted. Frisk ran towards the home of Alphys as Chara and (Y/N) Followed behind,Holding hands.
"This is fun!" (Y/N) yelled as she giggled uncontrollably,Chara averted his eyes towards (Y/N) and smiled.
"We're here. Now just knock,I'll cya later!" Frisk waved goodbye and ran off,leaving the two alone in front of a cold metal door.
"She must be some scientist huh",(Y/N) said looking towards chara.
"She is one.",Chara said whilst knocking the door. The door opened yet no one was in sight.
"I know what you did",Said alphys as she flickered on a screen.
"Hm,so you were watching",Chara chuckled.
"WHY?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!"Alphys screamed as tears ran down her face,(Y/N) stared at the screen blankly.
"Because,she was in our way. We will make it to the surface whether you like it or not",(Y/N) said whilst still staring at the screen.
"You killed the only person I loved!" Alphys yelled while crying uncontrollably,tears ran down her face like a waterfall.
"Where the hell are you located",Chara blurted.
"I wont tell! Y-You monsters!" Alphys roared with anger,tears still flowing down her face.
"Then. We won't need this monitor",Chara said,throwing scraps of metal at the screen,cracking it. (Y/N) joined in and hit the screen with a crowbar.
"Now,we will have to find her",Chara suggested,(Y/N) nodded and followed chara.
Out of nowhere a robot came out and grabbed (Y/N) by the foot.
"Motherfucking hell! DON'T TOUCH MY GIRL!" Chara yelled,slashing at the robot arm.
"Thanks,She must've loaded this place with traps",(Y/N) said,trembling. Chara picked her up and kissed her on the forehead,he smiled as (Y/N) smiled back.
(1 hour of searching)
Chara found a room lit up,he settled (Y/N) down and opened the door forcefully with a crowbar,and inside was the person they were aiming for. Alphys.
"N-No! Stay back! P-please don't kill me! I don't wanna die like thi-"Alphys' sentence was cut off due to (Y/N) piercing her with a knife from behind,Alphys collapsed and disintegrated,her soul tore in two.
"Finally,that brat is done for",Chara said,(Y/N) hopped on his back and kissed his head.
"Did i do good?" She asked,Chara nodded,looked up and the two kissed.
"Hello Darlings~! I couldn't help but see this romance!" Said a monotoned voice. They separated and stared into the distant shadow.
"Oh hell,not you",Chara scrunched up his nose.
"Oh of course darling~! Who else would it be?" Said the voice again. Out came a robot which color scheme was mostly pink and black.
"Now then. It's show time!" Said the robot.

Reader X Chara(male):Partners Til' the End [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now