Chapter 8: The Show

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The background became a stage. Then chara and (Y/N) separated,(Y/N) was tied to a chair within he none existent audience,as chara was tied to a rocket.
"Now darling!~ all you must do is get off the rocket~. Don't succeed well...ohohoho~ you die of course!~" said mettaton. Chara struggled to break free,he then saw in the distance (Y/N) having a gun to her head by a cat.
"I don't get paid enough to do this shit",The cat mumbled.
"PUT THE GUN DOWN!" Chara yelled,the cat shook his head.
"Sorry bub, these were my orders. I much rather smoke 40 cigs at this point",The cat said.
"FUCK YOU!" Chara yelled. He gnawed at the roped only managing to break one rope. He then growled and struggled more and more.
"Oh dear!~ the rocket will set off within a minute~ ohohoho~!" Mettaton goggled slightly and smiled. He then looked at the camera,smiled and put up two peace signs.
Chara then took out a lighter from within his pocket and started flicking the wheel.
"Tch,work!" Chara said silently to himself.
"Oh my folks!~ only 5 seconds left!~" said mettaton. Chara finally managed to light the lighter,the ropes caught fire,as the ropes burned chara then rolled on the ground,stood up and ran at mettaton with a knife.
"Whoops!~ sorry darling,i cant allow that to happen!~" said mettaton,he then extened his arms to an appropriate length and wrapped it around chara,tangling him into the arms. He then dropped chara into a cage where falling blocks would try and crush him.
"Motherfuck!" Chara yelled as he climbed onto a fallen block. He continued climbing until his sweater got stuck between two blocks.
"Damnit..",Chara rolled his eyes then looked at (Y/N),He then ripped off the sleeve that was caught between the two blocks and hurried onto another block. It continued until chara finally escaped the chamber full of blocks,however he then found himself within a maze.
"Alright,this is the last stage! You must find keys though to unlock your little friend~ however there will be deadly robots out within the maze with you to try and kill you! Oh the thrill~ its so exciting!~" mettaton rang from the megaphone,chara then going left to right,top to bottom and just wandering about throughout the maze.
"Urgh,I Swear i will kill that damned robot",Chara said to himself.
(1 hour later)
Chara escaped the maze with a few scratches and bruises. He was also met with (Y/N) appearing injured. Her health we critically low,he unlocked her chains and picked her up.
"Did they do this to you...",Chara said,she nodded. Chara stomped furiously towards mettaton.
"Oh hello darl-",He was cut off by Chara stabbing a knife into his throat,mettaton coughed as cables revealed themselves. Chara then decapitated mettaton as if he was a professional. Mettaon's head laid on the floor,the room became quiet. Chara picked up the robot's head then threw it into water.
"Mess with me and my girl. You die",Chara said with satisfaction in his eyes,as he witnessed the head dunking into the water and the exposed cables flicker with sparks.
"Two.More.People. Then me and my girl will finally be pleased",Chara said,whilst walking away to pick up (Y/N).

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