The Start Of A Crush

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It's not hard to miss the signs of a crush. You look at them and you loose your breath, you can't remember what you were saying, and you feel those butterflies every time you see them. Sometimes, crushes come and go. But for me, my crush never faded.

I was in eighth grade when I had to move to a small school. I wasn't really looking forward to it because I was so used to a big school, where no one knew you unless you made yourself noticed. I never liked having attention drawn to me and I felt like that was about to change. I remember going to my first period class and walking inside. All eyes were on me. The teacher had me introduce myself. After I said my name, a voice spoke up. When I brought my head up to see who commented, I lost my breath. I felt butterflies. And I forgot everything that was on my mind. She was an angel. She was so beautiful. And I knew I had fallen hard.

The years went by and I made friends and became quite known, which I didn't really mind. I only told my best friend my "secret" and they never told anyone, though they would occasionally tease me when they saw me staring at her. I entered ninth and tenth grade, and my crush had only gotten stronger. Each year, it seemed like she got more beautiful(if that was even possible) and I found myself hurting more and more. The summer before my junior year, I admitted to myself that I had fallen in love with a straight girl.

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