Chapter 5.32 (Career advice)

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That morning at breakfast, Aurora decided that she should just tell everyone who she really was. There was no point in hiding it anymore. Everyone already knew.

She glanced at the staff table. Umbridge had taken a seat on the chair that should be Dumbledore's. Aurora sighed, went over her speech in her head and decided it might be best to not anger the Ministry further. Dumbledore wouldn't want her to.

Aurora took a deep breath and climbed up on the Gryffindor table. "Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please." Aurora called out loudly. She was not nervous, if anything she was bored. Speaking as though it was part of a routine. "I have something to tell you all. I think it is time for me to reveal a secret I have been hiding since I arrived here." Aurora turned her head to Umbridge and the Head of Hogwarts nodded her head.

Aurora looked down at the table, throwing her hair dramatically forwards and ran her hands through it, changing it back to its natural golden colour. She threw her head backwards again and rubbed her face and most specifically her eyes until a very familiar girl was standing on top of the Gryffindor table. "I've been lying about who I was. My name isn't Anastasia Romanova. She doesn't exist. It's actually Aurora Black. I'm back, I guess. I don't know how, honestly. And everytime I try to remember what exactly happened to me, I get these terrible headaches. I remember a bright green light hitting me, and then nothing. I woke up at home. No idea how I got there. I hid who I really was because- well, I know how things work around here. Gossip travels faster than an owl on speed dial and I just wanted a calm year in which I tried to remember, in my own time, what happened to me. I hope you can all respect that and not ask me too many questions. I'm sorry for lying. I hope you can forgive me...well, er...that was sort of it. Have a nice day!"

She jumped down from the table and sat back down next to Harry. "How was that?" She whispered.


Whispers broke out among all the students, often glancing back at Aurora as they spoke.

"Yeah, new gossip." Victoria rubbed her hands. "I'm already curious to know what they all think of this."

"I honestly don't care. The most important people in my life have known since the beginning and I couldn't care less about what all these other people think."

"So does that mean I can talk openly to you again?" Elizabeth asked, falling into Aurora's lap and hugging her.

"Like you didn't already do that." Aurora scoffed.

"No," Elizabeth said seriously. "Why do you think I was always with Jace when I was with you. I didn't want people to have any suspicions. I knew how important all of this was to you. But now you're never getting rid of me again."

Aurora shook her head and sighed. "There goes my peace and quiet."

Elizabeth stuck out her tongue and squeezed herself between Harry and Aurora, causing them to glare at her. "No, Potter, she's mine." She said possessively, glaring at Harry.

Harry rolled his eyes and continued eating his breakfast, but not before winking at Aurora.

"Are you upset about something?" Elizabeth asked.

"No, not really. Just- I'm planning on doing something after classes and it might get me expelled. You know, the usual."

"OK, all right," Elizabeth said simply. "Don't get caught."

Aurora smiled at her plate. Good old Elizabeth.


"Good day, Professor!" Aurora said, walking into Professor McGonagall's office. "I'm here for my career advice."

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