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In this story everybody except Niall and Harry are 20! just saying!!

**Eleanor's POV**

"Hey Lou," I yell up the stairs "Its time for breakfast!"


I have made eggs, bacon, and home fries for breakfast, Lou's favorite! I put some water in the kettle, placed it on the stove, and waited for the boil.

I have always loved kids, and i really want to adopt one, it would look good on Lou's record and i think the fans would love it too!

Louis comes walking down the stairs,

"Goodmoring El!" He says while I put some food on his plate.

"Morning!" I placed a kiss on his cheek.

The kettle started to whistle so i poured the water into teo cups added sugar and creamer, and sat down.

I dont exactly know how to tell him that i want to adopt a kid, maybe he will think its a stupid idea, or he will want to... Ill just come out and say it, yeah.

I clear my throt to get his attention,

"Well, i have been thinking, and i want to adopt a child Lou."

He chocked on his eggs. I knew this was a bad idea.

"What?" He says

"Well i think it would look good for you an the fans would like it as well, but we dont have to. I was just thinking.." I trailed off.

"No El, I think its a great idea!" Well that was unexpected...

"Do you think we can go today?"

"Yeah, ill tell the lads. Just in case they had something planned!" He says excitedly grabbing his phone out.

"There is an orphanage down about a half an hour away called Roseville Orphanage.. Sound good?"

"Yes! Lets go get ready then we can go!"

I was so excited! I grabed a pair of high wasted shorts out, and a white flowy top, with some gladiator sandals, and a cute neclace! I curled my hair, then put light make-up on.

Lou came out in white skinny jeans, and a white with blue stripes shirt. He had dark blue Toms on.

We got in the car, it took about a half an hour to get there.

We finally pulled up to a beautiful orphanage, it was white brick, with red siding, there were rose bushes out side, along with a garden out back that you could see from the front!

Lou parked, we got out and walked to the door hand-in-hand.

"Hi, we would like to adopt a child!" He said to the lady at the front desk.

"Okay. What age range were you looking for?"

"Oh um, 16-18?"

"Oh i have the perfect child, her name is Aria Crest! She is 17, although she has a bad past with her dad, she is loving to girls. She is not perticulary fond of men. But we can see how she react to you guys!" She said hapily running up the stairs.

"What do you think Lou?"

"I Think it sounds great!'

**Aria's POV**

I was sitting in my bedroom writing in my journal when Miss.Chase walked in.

"Aria, a young couple is here, they may want to adopt you! Vome down stairs to meet them, please!"

"Yeah, ill be down!" i said turning and putting my journal under my mattress and walking down the steps.

I walked over the the young couple.

"Uh, hi I 'm Aria." I was kinda nervous..

"Hello sweetheart! Im Eleanor, but you can call me El!" She said hugging me. I was shocked at first, then hugged back.

"And im Louis, but you can call me Lou!" He said attempting to hug me.. No

I flinch as he tries to hug, but backs away,

"Im sorry, Aria i wont hurt you!"

"I know, but i just dont like men.." I looked down at the ground.

"Well thats okay you can just get used to Lou right?"

"I-i dont know..."

Then Miss.Chase said

"Come on dear, time to pack your things, you are going to go hime with them!"

Oh joy...

***Driving To Louis' House***

**Aria's POV**

We drove up to huge black gates, we were buzzed in. My mouth dropped.

"This is your house!"

"Yeah! Do you like it?" El asked.

"Yes, its so big! I've never been to a house so big..." i trailed off.

"Oh! By the way we are trying to make your bedroom, what are your favorite colors hun?"

"Lime green and Teal, but any colors work, i dont really care."

"Non sense, I want you to have the perfect bedroom!" she said squealing.

We pulled into the drive way, i jumped out and shut the door. Lou drove off, i think to park?

"Come on Aria, I want you to meet some friends we share the house with!"

"You share with people..."

"Don't worry dear, they won't hurt you! They are all very nice."

She was about to open the door when i stopped her. I started to cry, i was scared, are they going to rape me, just like my dad, well old dad.

"What's wrong Aria?" she wiped a tear from under my eye,

"I'm scared!"

"Oh! Please don't cry! I promise I wont let anything happen to you!PInky promise." She hugged me then held out her pinky. I connected it with mine.

"Okay," I wiped by face free of my tears and walked in behind El.

***Eleanor's POV***

I promised her nothing will happen to her, and i will keep that promise! I was alittle worried because the people we share a house with are One Direction, all guys.... I open the door Aria was close behind. i cleared my throt to get everyone's attention.

"Guys, this is Aria, Lou and my daughter!" They all looked at her, then scrambled over the couch. Harry was first tosay hi.

"Hi Aria, Im Harry!" he hugged her. Oh no!

"Harry, let go."

**Aria's POV**

He hugged me, i started shaking and crying, then darkness. I passed out.




I got my ipod taken, so im on the computer....

WHOOOOOOO 24 reads on 'More Than This' !!!

Im updating all my books today, so


love you guys!,


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