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Hey! Im going to stop doing recaps!


Louis' POV

"El they have been in there for a while. Should i go check on them?"

"Lou, they will be fine!"

"Going to check." I got up of the couch and walked back the hall to Niall's room.

I opened the door to see them KISSING?!?

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!?" I was beyond mad.

"Uh-uh well we were talking and well it just happened. Please dont hit me!" She flinched into Niall.

I gave Niall a look so he got up to leave, but she pulled him back down. I could here her say "please dont leave me here with him." And then he said "He wont hurt you, i promise." She let go and he walked out.

She just stared at me. Like I was an alien.

"Aria, i wanted to apologize! I am so so SO sorry! I totally forgot about your dad and everything. I didn't think it would effect you. I mean..ugh i am really bad at this, love."

I looked up from the bed and we made eye contact. "Do you know what love feels like? I just want someone to tell me they love me everyday. I want to feel loved. Ive never felt like i belonged anywhere."

"Awe babe come here, please." I stayed put. I dont trust him.

He looked away and sighed. "Im trying. I really am, but Aria you have to give me a chance!"

"Give you a chance Louis?!" I raised my voice. "Ive given you a couple! I cant trust you, Im trying i really am." I mocked him. " Louis! I will never call you dad! You will never be one!" I ran out slamming the door in his face.

I went to the bathroom, and locked the door

Louis' POV

"Give you a chance Louis?!" She raised my voice. "Ive given you a couple! I cant trust you, Im trying i really am." She was mocking me. " Louis! I will never call you dad! You will never be one!" She ran out slamming the door in my face.

Ouch. That hurt. What have i done to deserve this! I AM TRYING FOR CHRIST SAKE! Maybe she's right. I will never be a dad, let alone hers. I ruined everything. And i cant get it back. I am a horrible person.

I cried. I walked to my room. I laid face down on my bed and cried.


So sad! I was crying while writing this! Over 100 reads! Thank you so much!!

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