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She looked up at me. "Louis, dont beat yourself up. You forgot, just let her calm down. Niall went to talk to her. She seems to like Niall." Anger boiled inside me. She is my daughter, i should be talking to her! Not him.

I was about to lunge for his room when El caught my shoulder. I looked back at her.

"She'll be okay but for now lets watch a film. Relax okay?"

"Alright. But i will go talk to her." I sighed in defeat. "I dont want her to be afraid of me." I mumbled under my breath.

End of recap!

Aria's POV

As soon as i made it that room, i knew i was safe from him. I looked around, there was a guitar sitting on the bed,
Hmm this must be Nialls room.

I sat on the bed. Some one opened the door.

"Leave me alone! Please get out!"

"I cant exactly get out of my own room?"

He came over and sat beside me. I moved away a little, i was getting used to Niall but not fully.

He look at me. "You know he didnt mean to hurt you, this whole parenting thing is hard for him to get used to. He sometimes forgets about your past, we are humans Aria we cant be perfect! But you need to know that no one is going to hurt you! You have to trust us!"

"Yeah Niall, i remember what happened the last time i trusted some one. They told me that they wouldnt hurt me, never! But you know what they raped me! They raped me Niall, and i trusted them! I cant trust anyone!" I broke down in tears. He tried to hug me but i back off the bed and fell on the floor.

"Aria I didnt know. Im- im so sorry."

"Yeah, well no one knows. Not even Eleanor. I just wish i would have had a childhood. I cant get that back Niall. I will never be able to know what it was like to have loving parents, or get presents under the tree on Christmas day! Those are things i never got, and never will have. I just need love Niall, i need some one to love me! I dont even know what love feels like!"

He sat there, he didnt know what to say. So i hugged him. I felt safe in his arms. We sat on the bed, just holding onto that hug.

He whispered something in my ear. "Love is bigger than you are. You can invite love, but you cannot dictate how, when, and where love expresses itself. You can choose to surrender to love, or not, but in the end love strikes like lightening, unpredictable and irrefutable. You can even find yourself loving people you don't like at all. Love does not come with conditions,or codes. Like the sun, love radiates independently of our fears and desires.And Aria. I- I think i love you. Can you love me back?"

"Niall i dont know how."

"Ill teach you, but i need to show you how to express it." He pressed his soft pink lips onto mine. My arms wrapped around his neck as I pulled him closer to me wanting more of this. But i know i shouldnt. We both pulled away at the same time.

He pressed his forehead to mine. "That was amazing." He let out a breath.

Then Louis walked in. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN HERE?"


Sorry its REALLY REALLY REALLY short, but I'm writing a lot if chapters so i can update quicker! Cliffhanger!! What do you think? Im trying to do faster updates. PLEASE COMMENT VOTE AND FOLLOW! Thanks!

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