He explains

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He thinks he has found the missing part of himself, does that mean me? I hope so.

Why did I say that?! It's true though, she is my missing piece.
" Liv"
" yeah?" She replied so sweetly like I had never wronged her.
" how about we meet up again tomorrow evening and I will explain everything?" Do I really want to do this?
" are you sure El"
I have to do this "yeah I'm sure"

Okay I need to go home, my mind is reeling.
"Until tomorrow" I kissed him in the cheek turned round and walked away. " don't cry Liv" I said out loud to my self.
I turned around " yeah?"
" I missed you you"
" I missed you too El, see you tomorrow!"
That was that, am I ready to here why he left. I want to but I'm afraid the reason isn't justified.

Today is the day I tell her why I left the squad, why I left her without saying a word.
Today is gonna be a slow day.

Today is the day he tells me why he left the squad, why he left me without saying anything.
Today is so gonna drag.
" okay guys, you can all go, well done today. See you tomorrow" I say to my squad.
A chorus of bye Liv and see you tomorrow, makes you ears ring.
" see you later lieutenant" I hear from my squad room.
" tucker, to what to do owe this pleasure" I really don't want to see him right now.
" just though I would come and visit by beautiful girlfriend. Is that okay?"
Yeah, but can we catch up tomorrow I'm just on why way out." I feel bad but I'm aching to see Elliot"
"Yeah sure, whe.."
" hello my livvie love, you ready? Oh hi tucker" why is he here.
" Hey El, yeah just give me a second. I'll see you tomorrow Ed"
" are you joking, you jail blew off seeing me so you can goofy with the arsehole who deserted you. What's wrong with you, he doesn't care about you he just wants to sleep with you, you don't care though beacUw that probably what you want to."
" Ed, what the hell? That was so out of line. He was best friend for 12 years and now he's back, I'm not gonna jump into bed with him. "
I turn to walk, just as I reach the door, I turn back around. " Ed we're over. Come on El"

what have I done, I just lost the love of my life, I knew as soon as we saw him the other night that time was ticking on our relationship, I just didn't think it was going to be that quick.

" Liv that was intense. Are you okay?"
" yeah I'm fine , he has been trying to control every part of my life and I wasn't very happy."
I can't tell if she is telling the truth.
" where do you want to go"
" shall we go to Central Park, it will be quiet"
" yeah sure" by force of habit she link her arm through mine, I'm not gonna move and she doesn't try to take it back.
" here goes, I shot Jenna and killed her. I didn't mean to kill her but I was afraid she was gonna shoot you.
I got sent for my psyc eval, and they told me to take 3 weeks off, Kathy pushed for me to hand my papers in. I thought that I couldn't go back
After what I had done, I gave captions my papers and he asked if I had told you yet, I said I can't, if used her I will stay. He told me that he was loosing his two best detectives. I had no idea what he meant, I asked him and Capt. Said he was loosing me forever but he was gonna loose you temporarily. I look at him
And said tell Liv for me, he just said you have to tell her that your self." I looked up
At Liv and she was sat there with a tear in her eye.
" I left that squad room and I didn't think about the level of hurt I was gonna leave behind. A few months went by and all I did was drink I would go to bed I slept on the sofa. One night I decided to listen to your voice mails and they tore me apart hearing you voice and the hurt inside it. The next morning I woke up to Kathy standing over me, I had my phone in one hand and a picture of us in the other. She said that when u left squad I left a piece of me, I could work out if she meant work, or you, but I said to her I didn't know what she meant.
We tried to put it behind us but we never could
Get past it. We sat down and had a chat and she said she was surprised our marriage had lasted as long and it did, because she new that i had a stinger connection with you than I did with her, but she was glad it had lasted so long. We weren't happy anymore so we filled for Divorce, the kids weren't happy but they realised that if we stayed married our family wasn't gonna work or be happy. I moved out into my own apartment and I can't tell you how many times I've stood outside the precinct, hoe many letters or text I've written but been too afraid to follow through. Then seeing you the other day.. It just bought back how much I cared about you"
I think I have said to much.

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