chapter 30

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Losing all hope I closed my eyes and waited for what was surely to come. I was almost sure that there was no possible way to get out of this. I was apparently still under trained and too weak to face a demon alone.

A million thoughts rushed through my head at that moment. And most of them were about the disappointment I felt towards myself, the disappointment that the world was fated to soon crumble just before my eyes. And all that was because I was too weak, because I was not as strong as everyone said I was. It pained me to even think that everyone that trusted me, depended on me, and had faith in me, was to pay for my mistakes.

I closed my eyes, not wanting to see how everything we worked for will go to ashes. Waiting for what was to come, even throw the outcome was pretty obvious.
"Let her go. "A growl came from our left and I dared hope and take a peak from under my lashes at the tall figure that was still hiding beneath the shadows.
At this point even the moon so cowardly hid underneath the clouds and abandoned hew oath to eliminate

I let out a breath I did not know I was holding and silently remembered why I love that guy. I already felt safer, even when noticing the evil and horrifying smile that appeared on the demon's lips.
"Look who decided to show up. "The demon's amused laugh echoed in the distance and stopped as soon as Navid entered the picture as well.
"Two against one isn't that unfair?" He poorly joked.
I clenched my fists, and owned at the annoying nerves this creature possessed.
"Make that three. "My leg soon enough found his rib cage and painfully hit there. It was a perfect opportunity to kill him, something deep down was thirsty for blood and wanted him to suffer. They were the reason my life became this living hell and I was suddenly ready to make them all pay.
"You bit-" Save your words I said and launched at him, knowing that soon enough Navid and Dion would interfere so there was nothing to be afraid of.
His eyes held furry, he surely did not plan to be hit, or beaten at his own game. However what disturbed me was the fact that he had a smirk on his face. Like a villain with a secret that was sure to earn him the victory of the battle.
The sound of metal against metal was carried with the wind that as well decided to join the battle scene. The hollowing sound of the branches and leaves hitting against one another created an atmosphere as horrible as the bloodshed that was surely to come.
I stopped fighting and turned my face towards the emptiness of the forest. It has already been too much for me and Navid and Dion were surely more than capable of handling the demon alone.
"Are you okay?" Strong arms wrapped around me bringing with them the warm and safe feeling that only one person could.
Only then did I notice that the noises and groans have seized.
"Yea...lets head back." I managed to whisper and was glad when he unwrapped his arms and led the way towards the direction of the camp.
We silently walked through the shaking trees and managed to avoid the swinging branches. Until...
I felt a hand get wrapped around my mouth and another snake around my waist. I tried to scream but my voice was muffled and transformed into mere sounds masked by the howling of the wind.
Before I knew it a strange smell engulfed me. And dragged me deep into unconsciousness.
I could make out some light that has managed to penetrate through my partly opened eyelids. I tried to open my eyelids but the pressure and weight that has settled upon them made it nearly impossible.
'Rise and shine, rise and shine chosen one.' A voice echoed as a faint clap of his pas served as background music to his amused demanding voice.
Immediately a wave of adrenaline rushed through my veins and urgently made me open my eyes.
As if being trained for years to take position when in danger, I was standing with parted and ready for combat within seconds.
"Well, well, well...if it isn't the chosen one herself. "A deep and dominant voice echoed through the poorly lightens room. A husky figure stood against a rocky grayish wall of the large room.
"However I have to admit that I had greater expectations from Aphrodite. She could have at least chosen a man. Maybe he could have at least grow some muscles and at least look intimidating." He commented with a disgusted and judgmental face as he eyed me up and down.
"Save your nasty comments for someone who cares old man." I said, trying to hide the mixed feelings of horror and fear inside me. And surprisingly I did quite well, I sounded as intimidating as ever.
"Oh, so the little Chihuahua does have some balls. I am impressed. " he said and shifted his weight and moved away from the wall. His exact steps echoed against the hard concrete of a dark black color.

"What do you want?" I stupidly asked as if the answer wasn't as obvious as the burning fires of Tartars.
He let out a humored laugh, causing his much accentuated check bones to move and shake his grayish short beard.
However the thing that amazed me, even under such circumstances was the fact that there was no sign of wrinkles under his stormy eyes that had the color of ash. So Gods somehow could mask their age. Wonder why Zeus doesn't do it.
"Oh come on, we both know the answer to that question." His mischievous grin soon enough

Scowl that shouted danger took over his features. "Now, shall we do this the easy..." His hand slaughter my through all of a sudden pinning me against the wall while at it. "Or the hard way." His last words came out in a low and dangerous hiss. 

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