chapter 37

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The next moments came all rushing, like one of those edited scenes in a movie. After that one word was though, it caused a total chaos, like a battle cry to start a long lasting bloody war.
In that flash second, Dion's wrapped hands formed a fist that landed right between Caleb's eyes. I inwardly thanked him, because he was the demon I mostly disliked. But there was no time for further thoughts such as those, because I knew it was time to take a leading role in our escape. I quickly summoned my sword and made sure to stab the annoying blond girl who was just about to attack me with her demonic claws.
I directed the blade of my sword towards another demon's throat, but had to stop for a second and kick another annoying one, that had the guts to launch himself at me. Annoyed, that due to this distraction I had only managed to slice the demon's shoulder instead of neck, I cursed under my breath, but did not bother to go back to him.
For now it was not important to kill them, my main goal was to free Dion from his ties and get away from here.
Hearing the familiar voice of a lady announcing that the doors of the subway will soon close, I frantically looked around.
"Dion!" I shouted, trying to get his attention. Turning his head towards me, he ran as fast as he could, trying to avoid any unwanted parasite that stood in his way.
The probability of us getting on that vehicle on time was pretty low, but like in those great movies, we were able to jump into the subway just before the doors fully closed.
Catching my breath I watched as the train left, but caught a glimpse of the figures who jumped on the subway roof.
"They are on the roof, we have to hurry." I said in between breaths. Using the sharpness of my blade, I manage to cut the very thick robes, and free his tied hands.
"Everything will be fine. We can make it." He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear and smiled at me in reassurance. Unable to say anything, I nodded and hoped for the best.
Around us, people were watching with wide eyes. Horror and fear written all over their faces. After all, they had just witnessed a Lord of The Rings war scene in reality.
"Don't be afraid." I managed to whisper, feeling a little guilty for dragging all of these innocent lives into this mess.
"Come." Dion whispered, as he dragged me by the wrist. We were walking fast and ready to jump out of the train, as the voice announced our next station.
"Be ready, we will soon arrive." He nodded and I could sense his body stiffen, as he got ready to run. The opening of the doors were like the firing of the gun at a marathon, making us the team who was going to give everything in their power to win.
Shoving people and throwing others to the ground, we tried our best to make it out of the station, before the creatures behind us. Even though they had managed to get down from the roof of the vehicle on time, they were still well behind us.
As we reached the top of the station's stairs I took in charge from there. I immediately jumped on the street and called a taxi.
I know Dion must have had a heart attack the moment I jumped in front of the cab, but for me it was a relief that I finally was sure of what I had to do.
The moment we closed the door behind us, we were both served with a weird look from the driver. I mean how crazy we must have looked. After all we were all sweaty and panting, dressed like mafia leaders.
In between breath I managed to give the driver Jane's address.
Just as the cab took off, I saw Hades' minions get out of the station, frantically looking around.
"We have no money!" Dion whispered. "What are we doing?"
"Relax, I gave him Jane's address, I know where she kept her emergency money, and to our luck she had saved pretty much." I assured.
"But why Jane's address? Do you not have any money at your place?"
"I did, but they were not much, plus my house has probably been taken by the owner. It was rented, and I have been missing for quite some time."
Leaning my head back, I closed my eyes, trying to calm my throbbing heart. Placing a hand over my forehead I tried to calm the hammering headache I had somehow got.
"We are here." The driver announced after some time.
"Just wait here a second, I will be right back, the money is inside." I told him and even though he clearly held an unsatisfied look, I left Dion and him in the parked car.
Hurrying I went past the now broken entrance door and got the beg of money that was well hidden behind a painting.
"Here you go." I said and handed the cab driver his money.
"Young lady, may I give you a tip?" The driver said. And it wasn't till then that I realized that he was quite old in age.
"If you have illegal problems, try solving them with the police, it is better than running for your life." He was clearly trying to give me some advice, like a grandfather to his grandchild. But even so, I could not sustain the sarcasm that was threatening to come.
"I will keep that in mind, thank you." I sincerely said. "And while we are advising one another. You should probably stop praying for nothing, because the dude that is waiting for you down there.." I said pointing downward "is not really as holy and great as we wished." I heard Dion chuckle beside me, just before he tugged at my hand making me know it was time to stop tormenting the poor man, with things he may never understand.
"How I wished the police can solve this." I sighed, and dragged Dion behind me towards the apartment. We both allowed ourselves to chuckle at my of so great joke. But to truthfully said we were rather laughing due to the joy we felt rather than the joke.

"You know we can't stay here."
"I do, I just need to get the money, then we can maybe rent a motel room. I don't think the Demons know of them, so they will probably search the streets for us instead of those places. We will probably be safe there for a night or two." I explained, as I started to count the money.
"Yea, their knowledge of this world is limited. But so is mine, so what is a motel?"
I laughed and rolled my eyes.
"You will see." I laughed and patted his shoulder.

Placing my hands on the edges of the sink I allowed myself to breath. It felt good, to finally have a normal hot shower. The steaming water had surely helped my sore muscles, but at the same time it made me realize how tired I really was. I smiled to myself as I remembered the last time I had such a bath.
Back then I was still normal, still not completely broken. Back then, I was still naive, believing that I could allow myself to be miserable just because I was one of the unlucky persons to lose a beloved one. But little did I know that there was more to life then reach the eye.
But now, looking at the green eyes that were staring back at me so intensely, I realized how much I have matured in the time that I was away from the place I used to call home.
"Nevinda are you done?" Dion's voice dragged me out of my daydream.
"I'll be out in a minute." Quickly drying myself, I tried to ignore the bruises on my hips and arm, and dressed in the shorts and tank top that I had picked out from Jane's house along with other stuff.

Grabbing the towel, I continued to dry my hair with it, as I exited the bathroom. Looking around I spotted Dion by the window, watching the passing cars with a worried look, probably concentrating on the passing people rather than the cars.
I went and wrapped my hands around his waist, and smiled as I deeply inhaled his natural scent. He had taken a shower and changed in the clothes we had bought on our way here. However even with these cheap clothes he managed to look as royal as ever.
"What's with you?" His deep chuckle made his back vibrate and strangely I liked the feeling more than I should.
"Nothing, I just want to truly be with you for at least a night." He was now facing me, his deep blue seas seeing right past my camouflage and into my soul. "I have realized that we never know which moment will be our last, so we better have at least a memory of each other, which is worth taking with us to the grave." I saw a glint of sadness pass his eyes, but being the careful person he was trained to be, he immediately masked it.
"And what would this valuable memory be?" He raised a brow and smiled in amusement.
"Something like this should be enough." I whispered, my voice was low but it had a touch of something else as well. Rising on my toes I closed my eyes and gently pressed my lips against his.
He seemed a little taken aback at first, after all he has never seen such blunt actions from me. But before I knew it he was kissing me back. The kiss was slow and passionate. His lips were moving with tender and sweet sincere movements against mine. I clung to him, as he tilted his head, trying to make good use of the only stable thing in a dizzy swirling world.
His hand traveled from the small of my back, up my arm and to finally rest on my cheek. Making my heart burst into flames in this process and leaving behind a trail of burning passion.
He stopped for a moment and tilted my head upwards, forcing me to stare into the two blue vortexes of love desire and lust, which have by now gone darker. They looked like two vortexes that were filled with need and passion more than anything else.

"I love you." His voice was hoarse and deep.
Instead of whispering lukewarm words as a way of expressing my love I decided to burn him with my actions, the way he has previously done with me.
Digging my fingers into his still damp hair, I wrapped my legs around him and kissed him. The innocent kiss that we previously experienced was now gradually increasing in intensity.
His burning yet innocent touches became electrifying, making me shiver and moan in pleasure. A deep groan escaped his throat, sending a wave of electric fire through my now boiling blood.
Before I knew it, he has managed to place us both onto the bed facing the window. His heartbeat was vibrating through his muscular chest that was impossibly close to mine, making me shiver in anticipation.
His roaming hands made their way to the hem of my shirt, he raised it slowly, the skin of his hand touched my belly teasingly, making me want more, desire more of his sweet touches against my bare skin. Tired of his little game I snatched the shirt from his hands and took it off myself.
"A little impatient huh?" He teased, his deep laugh making me go even crazier with lust.
"Shut up and come here." I laughed, grabbing him by the shirt and dragging him down against me.
The erotic dance of our tongues and lips stopped once his lips moved away from mine. He left a sweet trail of kisses, that felt like a sweet passionate method of torture, down my neck and onto the outlining of my breasts.
Unable to hold myself anymore, I found my hands under his shirt, exploring his well toned muscles.
Then just after his shirt was finally out of the way, he stopped. Making me both confused and a little annoyed that he dared stop what he was doing.
"Are you sure about this? I was able to stop now, but I can't guarantee I will do later." I smiled at him. Touched by the way he was always so concerned.
"I love you...and I am sure."


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