chapter 36

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I securely clenched the two straps of my backpack, as I tapped my left foot impatiently against the black marble floor. I sighed and stretched my neck to examine the beautiful swirling pattern that was created with black sapphires. Indeed it showed pretty well that the owner of this dark yet magnificent castle was the God of the richest himself.

"A little impatient are we?"Jeroen said, was leaning against one wall, with his husky hands crossed against his well built abdomen, said. His dark brown hair fell right beside his deep grey eyes, adding to the aura of darkness and mysteriousness that lingered around him.

"Well, I wouldn't be in this situation if your companions would bother to show up on time." I retorted a little annoyed that I had to bother and answer to this Godforsaken creature.
"Easy there, it's probably due to your little boyfriend that they are late." Hearing him even speak about Dion made me have an inhumane need to rip his head in two, but the fact that he just said that Dion was coming along made me forget about anything else.
Without even bothering to answer I turned my gaze towards my left, where Hades was sitting with a rather annoyed expression plastered on his face.
I was pretty sure that the reason of his annoyance was the fact that he was unable to leave his kingdom. Rubbing at the base of my throat, I thanked the gods for cursing him this way. It made me fight ten times with more determination and keep him locked for eternity in this sepulture.
The loud sound of two massive metallic doors being open cracked the silence that hovered above us.
It took me every ounce of my power to keep my muscles from reacting and desperately turn towards the door.
From the corner of my eyes I saw Hades stand up, anticipation shining in his dark eyes. He must have been highly waiting for us to start this journey. Because according to him, the moment we arrive on Earth, will be the moment he will start the countdown until he has the sphere between his filthy hands.
"So you decided to grace us with your presence?" He spitted.
"We are sorry my lord." One of the demons dragging Dion by the arm said. I was now facing them, as well, but still managing to mask the happiness and relief I truly felt.
Hades groaned and sat back on his luxurious chair. My heart started beating really fast at that moment, because I was not really sure what to expect. My information that revolved around the underworld were all limited to the point where a soul would get inside this dark kingdom, but the way out was still a mystery to yet be revealed.
"Just gather in the middle of the room." Hades said, covering his eyes with his palm in irritation.
Following his orders in silence a group of around eight people including Dion and I obediently gathered in the center of the room. My eyes roamed over the Demons that formed our so called crew.
I placed a hand on my hip and accidentally hit the pale tanned brunette at my right. A groan fitted for a demon such as herself escaped her full reddish lips.
"Save your breath darling." I mocked her, annoyed by her attitude. I could sense she wanted to respond to me, but before she could even dream of doing that, a black mist enveloped us.
The dark fog enveloped us, leavening us to give in to the darkness and surrender to our other senses.
Soon enough the thick silence surrounding me was broken by the high and irritating sound of car horns. Lights intruded the somehow calm shadows that engulfed us.
Loosing balance I tripped over my own legs and fell. Someone immediately came to help me, but knowing fully well what creatures they were, I shoved him away.
"I am fine." My voice was clearly reflecting the irritation I felt when the demon came to help me, as if he was worried about my state rather then afraid of what Hades would do to him if anything were to happen to me before the sphere was found.
I felt something push at the inner part of my skull, immediately forming an imaginary door I allowed the sweet well known tone of Dion penetrate my mind.
"Is anything wrong?"
"No, I just got a little dizzy."
"So where is that sphere of yours?" The blond girl to my right said. Clearly not liking her surroundings.

Turning my head away from the group of mythical creatures before me, I allowed myself to look at the world that served as my home for most of my life.
There was a subway station across the street, right beside the shop that was known to sell the best candies in the country.
I inwardly smiled as I remembered that time when I came with my mom here.
"Mommy, mommy can we buy some candy?". I said, pointing eagerly at the candy shop in front of me.
"I am sorry sweety but you already ate your share of candy for today." She gently brushed a strand of my black locks from my eyes.
Her grey eyes sparkled under the autumn sun, glittering and reflecting the motherly love from deep within. She smiled at me with her light pink painted lips, and gave me an apologetic look.
However, like any stubborn four year old, I tried to use my best card. The puppy dog eyes.
"Please, pretty please... I promise I will still eat my lunch even if I eat a few extra candies.".
Her vibrating melodic laugh echoed in my head as she fell pray to my tricks and agreed to my request.

"The subway."I said. It was the best chance we could possible get. Judging from the position of the sun it was late afternoon, the busiest time of the day, and the subway station the most chaotic location.
"Where?" They all asked at once. I finally felt as if I could truly make it, we can truly escape. It finally felt like we were on my territory.
"Over there." Pointing towards the entrance they all nodded to themselves.
Descending the stairs, I feared they would ask questions, but was glad to see they were too busy on taking their surroundings in. Unlike Dion, who was focusing his gaze on me. He seemed to be understanding that the moment we will try our luck was approaching fast.
"Here, I saw a couple of benches in my vision it must be over there." I lied.
Just in cue a train arrived, and as you might aspect people started swirling nervous ants.
"Now!!"" I said in my mind to Dion. Praying to all the Gods that he heard me and I did not just fail mind telepathy again.


Aphrodite's Sphere**Edited**Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin