chapter 31

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Dion's P.O.V.:

Resting my head against a tree trunk I allowed myself to fall weak to guilt, sadness, and fear for the first time, ever since Nevinda was kidnapped.

Two days have passed and the worst images haunted my mind day and night. I feared to even think of the ways they tortured her in order to get out of her any piece of information she knew. Somehow I knew she would not spill any of the things she had learned about the map, and that was the thing that scared me the most.

If only I would have been more cautious that night. If only I would have listened to my instincts that told me something was wrong the moment that sleazy demon smiled with such victory.

I shook my head. I have to think logically and fast. My inner voice said. I knew well enough that the only way to make things right was to find that phoenix and go retrieve both Nevinda and her dead soul.

I rubbed my temples and scanned the area in front of me for any danger. I was on guard duty again, since I already knew that I could not get any sleep.

I stood up and started walking toward the trees trying desperately to keep the box filled with feeling locked. I rested my hand against a tree and my other palm clutched my heart, as if trying to stop the unbearable pain. If I believed I felt pain once I saw her with Ares, then this situation, with her nearly being killed by the hands of the devil himself, was torture.

Closing my eyes I tried to remember how I first met her, down at the cafe shop she used to work at. That moment seemed to have happened centuries ago. A half small and sad smile formed on my lips when I remembered her small jokes and the way she would threaten Navid whenever he would throw a flirtatious joke.

Yep, you have found yourself a stubborn and feisty one, Dion.

Something moisture and salty ran down my check and onto the tip of my upper lip, calling me back to the harsh reality. And as easy and smoothly as that, I allowed a stream of tears to wet my cheeks.

I whipped them with the back of my hand and inhaled deeply. Turning around I vowed to make Hades regret for the pain he had cause not only me, but all of us.

I closed my eyes for a split second, in order to get myself back together and that's when it happened.

A bright and luminous white light emerged from the shadows making me immediately shield my eyes with the back of my hand. Through barely opened eyes I tried to identify the shadow that stood gloriously at the center of the light.

The shape of a bird with a tail that would make even the mighty peacock himself jealous, graciously stood at the middle of the now fading light.

I stood there with wide eyes at the elegant bird that has appeared so amazingly out of nowhere.

I cautiously took a few steps towards it, afraid that any wrong move would make him disappear. My heart was racing fast and eager to take a closer glance at the superior creature that managed to break the essential rule of survival. At the creature that managed to combat death itself and emerge from its own ashes. At the Phoenix bird itself.

Its luscious reddish feathers glittered under the silver moon, and gracefully danced along with the soft breeze. It took a step closer to me and I almost screamed with happiness. Because all this meant one thing to me, I was now able to save Nevinda.

"Greetings brave one." A deep voice erupted inside my head.

Looking frantically around for a split second, but soon enough I came to the realization that the source of the voice, was no other but the Phoenix bird.

"I would not call myself brave, I have done nothing along the years other than what I was thought to do, and what was my duty," I sincerely said, feeling myself at easy in front of this magnificent creature.

"Oh, but that is exactly the opposite of what I came to realize." It said, and took a few steps closer to me, the shadows of the night gracefully danced on its now not lighted scarlet feathers. "You see, I have been watching you and your friends ever since you sat foot in this enchanted forest. And I have seen and felt the way you hide your love for that girl for the benefit of others, and most importantly I have seen the way you have finally had the courage to get over your man pride and do something that you were neither trained to do or obliged to do by either the fates or those above you."

"And what was exactly the thing that I did?" I asked, trying to decode his previous statement.

"Well, you have allowed the most powerful feelings that can make any man weak overwhelm you. And most importantly you have knelt and surrender to sorrow, pain and guilt, thus allowing those feelings to slowly envelope your heart, like thorns slowly attacking its victim. "It's vice ceased for a slight second, as he stretched its scarlet wings towards heaven, as if asking for power in order to finish its spell. " and for all that and more, I will give to you what your heart desires most." And with that it vanished in thin air, leaving behind a reddish mist as a memorial of it ever being there.

I dared jog towards the mist and tried to figure out where it has disappeared. It was probably an invisibility enchantment. I thought. But my thoughts were put to an end as soon as I spotted it.

There it was. Gracefully descending, on the grand stairs of air. Caressed by the rays of the glittering silver moon, it shone with such passion.

It landed on my palm, as if it I was the rightful heir of this magnificent thing since birth. I dared not breath, afraid that it would vanish, transform to ash and fly with the wind.

"My vows will not be simple words in vain, now." I whispered, and closed my fist around its soft edges. 'Nevinda, I am coming for you.' I finally said before shoving the feather into my pocket and headed to the others.


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