chapter 42

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"Nevinda give me your hand." Navid seriously whispered. The thin blade of one of his daggers shone under the bright half moon with such sharpness, that it made me jerk back from his reach at first. "Relax we simply need some of your blood to open the door towards the pool of the moon."
Although half of what his said was still questionable I gave him my palm, trusting him completely with what he was doing.
"Would it close after we are done?" I said, right before the cool blade cut right through my palm, and made me wince in pain.
"Rub your palm right here," he pointed to a place on the rocky wall of the volcano before us. "And no, not at least till the moon fades. You see, this island is controlled by the moon power, so any order is carried out and kept until the crack of dawn."
His words were only a background to my thoughts, I winced as I thought of the pain that will strike through my palm once I rub the wound on those rocks. Dion must have felt the distress I was in because he placed a hand on my shoulder and gently squeezed it. But I gave him a smile, not wanting to look like the coward I was at the beginning of the journey.
I should have gotten used to cuts and bruises by now, but I guess a person never really changes, they just learn to nag less.
A second later my blood was spilled on the rocky cover of the volcano. And a loud roar erupted from the mountain, echoing through the mystical and hidden island. A wave of silver shining birds came rushing towards us, the way some bats would hurry from a cave. I bowed and covered my head, although my eyes and mind wanted to see more of those magnificently looking birds.
Once they were gone I tried to stand up but lost my balance, and tripped on some kind of bush. How I wish it was a normal bush. The minute my body touched it's leaves, the plant rose some woody roots, attacking me with them, trying to pin me down.
"Guys, help!"
In the chaotic situation we were in the guys somehow manage to cut down the attacking plant.
"Nevinda, you are the key to saving the world, but your clumsiness will kill us all." Obasis said in amusement.
"Just shut up." I said as I adjusted my clothes.
"Stand still." Aileen whispered, as she approached me in a slow manner. Everything in me screamed for me not to trust her but she was still one of my teammates so I had to listen. Her fingers brushed against my neck right before she raised her hand.
She was holding a kind of gold insect between her fingers, in a disgusted manner. But she was studying it with great care.
"Navid, is this what I think it is?"

"Shit, shit!" Navid said his face filled with worry. "We have to move fast!" With no more delays he formed a ball of fire between his fingers and entered the cave, which has formed in the wall the moment my blood touched it.
"What's going on?" Dion asked. We were all wasting to time, following Navid through the narrow path.
"The insect on you was a very rare insect these insects although, only live in packs. Meaning that if you separate one of them the others can sense it and follow you no matter where."
"Why is this a problem?" I asked, carefully stepping on the rocks that lead us down to the end of the cave.
"Hades has the rest of the pack and used this insect to track us." He said, and stopped walking.
That was the moment when I realized we came to a blocked end. We were now standing a rocky room, a pool of water gracefully captured the eye. It was eliminated by the powerful moon rays that penetrated through the crack in the ceiling. Actually that crack seemed to be the opening of the volcano, meaning we were in the heart of the mountain.
"This moon pool is the door towards Atlantis. You see Atlantis never sunk, the myths only state so because you have to enter the heart of the oceans in order to reach it. And this my friends is the heart of all oceans, be it from earth or any other dimension."


I moved my limbs synchronously, as I tried to find the surface of the water. The gallons of water that were crushing against my body pulled me down towards the depths of the unknown waters.
The bubbles that escaped my mouth made this whole image and feeling seem more and more like a forgotten dream. This whole thing seemed too familiar, like mu body sensed it as some kind of déjà vu.
Suddenly, something tapped my shoulder, and in panic I turned around, my sword already in my hand and ready for attack.
Obasis flipped in the water, trying to avoid the murderous attack of the blade. I closed my eyes in relief, realizing that we were not under attack yet. He raised his hands, gesturing for me to calm down, and that is when the others came into view as well.

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