chapter 43

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My hand was securely wrapped around Dion's wrist as I ran. The destination was yet unknown but my body seemed to know exactly where it was heading.
Behind us a pack of demons chased us. Roaring in fury.
The orange autumn leaves smashed under our weight. We have somehow entered a forest, where the wind swung the branches with power.
One of the demons finally managed to cope with us and rushed towards us with hunger in his eyes. Dion and I both looked at each other and nodded. Clearly understanding what the other meant.
That is when he caught me by both hands and swung me in mid air. Realizing his hold I flipped once in the air, and met the demon halfway, slashing his head in the process. Pleased with my work I looked around, and saw the lake before me.
"Over there!" I point to Dion and with no other hesitations I run towards it.
Above The lake something that resembled a ball of water floated. It was about a foot above the water, and served the source of a waterfall. It looked completely beautiful unlike anything I have ever seen before.
The name was whispered, and something inside me told me this fall was exactly the source. It emitted energy, something resembling some imaginary strings that pulled me towards it, asking me to make it a part of me.
Behind me I heard Dion stop and stare at the magnificent fall along with me, forgetting about the creatures behind us for just a moment.
But that moment did not last long. The screams of the demons following us erupted through the silence, but I couldn't get my eyes off it.
"We got company..." He whispered beside me, but his voice could not get my full attention.
My body did not respond to any of my commands, it seemed to be in some kind of trance, attached to the source of the falling water.
It whispered, luring me. And somehow I suddenly knew what I had to do. I closed my eyes and concentrated, feeling myself Pty, needing something long lost to complete me. I envisioned some thin silver strings reaching from deep within me towards the source of energy that attracted me. Trying to penetrate and attach themselves to the soul of this empowering source that called and begged for my attention. And as soon as these bonds found their exact place something happened.
In a split second a thousand feelings passed my body, but most of them were power, love and something else, a foreign feeling. A feeling of immortality?
I felt myself enveloped by water, but I did not feel like I was drowning. On the contrary I felt safe and protected.
However just as sudden as these feelings were they ended. Just like a flash of light they came and went, independent of time and space.
Opening my eyes I heard Dion scream my name.
"Let's just get it done!" I whispered and readied myself for battle. Turning around I noticed a red haired demon, wearing a long purple leather jacket came rushing towards me. Her eyes burned with blood thirst and viciousness.
I closed my eyes and allowed my guts and instincts to take over, trying to remember everything that I have been taught by Obasis.
I raised the sword to dodge one of her blows, and nearly fell in the process. Her strength was way beyond her petite form.
She did not hesitate before coming back, each blow directed towards me more powerful than the other. Her legs did an inhumane rotation like a tornado ready to sweep away anything in its way, and that is exactly what it did. The power emerged from her feet causing an electric shock to approach me and pin me to the ground.
Her hands released some kind of electrifying ropes that promised pain and torture.
I looked to my side trying to see his was Dion doing. He was fighting a demon with caution, trying his best to win this thing.
"Lover boy too busy to save you?" She teased in a whisper beside my ear.
"Nevinda!!!!" I heard him scream. But somehow I knew it was too late.
With one last sly smile she stabbed a danger right through my chest and into my very heart.
I did not feel too much pain. I was in too much a shock, to think of any thing or feel Amy feeling. Her dark laugh echoed through the atmosphere as she ran the very next second, leaving me bleeding beside the lake.

"Nevinda...stay with me." I felt Dion's body beside me, thankful for the heat it radiated. I knew I was not fine at all. But I used my courage and gave him a half smile.
" Did we do it?" I asked in a weak voice, and then coughed, pain spreading fast through my body.
"I don't really now, it just disappeared. But one fact is sure, Hades didn't get it." He said, tears streaming down his face.
"Shhh....everything will be fine Nevinda, I love you." He kissed my lips and looked back into my eyes.
"I...." But I did not get to say anything else, that is when my body gave up on me and me darkness invaded.

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