chapter 35

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I clenched my fist and allowed myself to be lost into the two blue eyes staring at me. They were worn out and clearly tired. With two black circles to decorate the skin surrounding each of them. A few bruises, that were clearly not long ago formed, rested on different parts of his body, and something inside me was sure that there were even more injuries to be seen under the now tore and blood stained clothes.
With anger and determination I masked every feeling I could possibly posses and turned towards Hades, who was watching me with careful eyes, that were meant to detect any hint of betrayal given away by my body.
"Are you trying to threaten me?" I asked, my voice deep and powerful. "And even if you are, are threats supposed to change facts?" He opened his mouth to answer, but if I wanted him to believe me I was meant to act offend and angry.
"Hades, if I wanted to lie to you, I would have told you that I did not get the vision, or better yet kept quiet the way I did this whole time. Why in the world would I be choosing the losing side and lose all the things you are able to give me. From power to the ability to see my parents?" I could sense Dion's body stiffen as he watched me with a deep gaze, trying to understand what was possibly going on. Yet, not even the tiniest sign was given to him as an answer. I knew I had to fool him as well if I even dreamt of fooling Hades.
"NEVINDA, you can't do this. You are supposed to be on our side. You were chosen to save the world not destroy it." Dion shouted, finally waking up from the trance he was in. I turned my head towards him, and for a slight second his body relaxed, believing that I have come back to my senses.
However that did not last long. As soon as I laid my eyes on him I smirked. "How can I possibly chose such a pathetic side once I have seen the power and glory of the other?" I said in a disgusted tone.
"Nevinda think of Jane, and our team, they all have faith in you." He paused, fixing his eyes on mine, as if trying to melt the ice that he thinks has built around my heart. "Think of the faith I have in you."
Trying to prevent the tears threatening to show I rolled my eyes and looked away.
"Why in the world would I abandon the God of the richest for the simple excuse that you believe in me?" I said and fixed my gaze on Hades. He was clearly enjoying the show that was developing right before his eyes. The smirk plastered on his face was that of victory. I inwardly sighed, partly relieved that my plan was working.

"Now if you are done, I am really tiered...the vision has really exhausted me and I have not fully recovered yet." Hades nodded and gestured to the guards that they were dismissed. They dragged Dion, who was still pleading with me, out of the room.
"I am quite impressed." He said. "Anyway , we leave first thing in the morning for your world." He then turned and made his way to sit on his high throne. That was decorated with the most luxurious gems and stones.
Back into the safety of my room, that was decorated with the finest precious stones and the highest quality of wood and metals, I tried to calm my now chaotic breath. Closing my eyes I tried to calm down. But it was an impossible task.
Running a hand through my messy black locks I stood up trying to figure out what should be done next .
I poured myself a cup of water from the nicely decorated jar that was on the table situated in the middle of my room, desperately trying to calm down and have some patience.
I wandered if trying to contact him would be as useless as it has been every time that was tried. But then again, could it be that mind telepathy could not work when the persons are in different realms?
Softly massaging my temples I decided that it was best to wait. Surely he will try and contact me, if that was possible, searching for an explanation. And if that was not to work, I was to think of another solution.
Resting my head against the soft cold silk pillows, I allowed a few tears to fall.
"Nevinda..." I stirred in my sleep and turned on my other side. Believing I was once again dreaming of that beloved person that my heart desperately yearned for.
"Nevindaa...can you hear me?" In that split second I realized that I was not dreaming. And memories of the previous events poured down on me, immediately making me jump out of the bed.
"Dion..." I breathed, unable to form proper words. The happiness of hearing from him mixed with the relief that came with it made me utterly speechless.
"Nevinda....what is going on?" His voice sounded weak and confused.
"First of all, are you all right?" I said desperate to know his true condition. For all I know he could be highly injured or in pain.
"I am fine." As if the Gods wanted to prove him wrong, he must have moved, because the next thing he uttered was a rather inhumane and full of agony groan.
"Dion..." I breathed, and wiped a few tears that have unconsciously escaped.
"I will survive Nevinda don't worry." I heard him sigh "Now please can you explain what in the world happened a few hours ago?"
"It was a trick, I lied to him about what I saw in the vision. I don't think I can explain everything, there is not enough time. But all I can say is we need a plan to escape and quick."
There were a few seconds of silence. He must have been comprehending my words. "Where did you tell them the map was?"
"In my world. It is the only place I can have an advantage in." I explained. "After all neither of them can use their powers in the day, because they can't reveal their true nature, and it is the only place I know and understand. I didn't know you were coming so I needed a place where I would have the slightest chance to escape."
"I guess we will have to follow with your plan. Because Athena was only able to produce two pearls with the Phoenix feather so I am the only one who was able to come." The tone of his voice made me realize the thing he was unable to say.
"They were also taken by Hades weren't they?" I breathed out in exasperation. The fact that he did not answer made me realize that my assumptions were right. "I guess we can't contact anyone either." I sighed. I was actually searching for a response to why have I always failed to contact him the whole time I was here.
"You can't contact anyone outside the underworld. It's like a spell to keep anyone from communicating with the upper world."
I nodded and sat there for a couple more seconds trying to remember any important detail I have left out. "He said we will leave first thing in the morning, do you think he will take you along?" I feared the answer but it was something that I needed to know.
"He still doesn't fully trust you. So he will surely take me as...a hostage you can say."
With a sigh I nodded and rested my head on the pillow.
"Take some rest. You must be exhausted." I suggested. Wincing at the thought of the pain he must be in.
"Oh and Dion..." I said after a few minutes of hesitation
"Yes, my love." Even in such difficult situation he managed to make my heart flutter.
"I missed you, a lot." I heard him chuckle and even though it was followed with a groan it surely warmed my heart to hear that pleasant sound again.
"I missed you too... and please know I never lost faith in you." Smiling I allowed the darkness to engulf me again.

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