Chapter 5

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The Storyteller grinned. "Just as the new day began," he said aloud as he wrote, "a new threat attacked the city park. It was a man made of glass. His ability was to turn any object he touches, including people into glass." He looked down from the building he sat on and what he wrote became true. A glass man started walking the park, turning trees and playground equipment into glass. "Ladybug spotted him and started taking action, stalling time for Cat Noir to appear." 

Ladybug jumped down from a rooftop and started spinning her yo yo. "Stop what you are doing, right now." The glass man walked over to Ladybug and attempted to touch her but she jumped back and smacked him with her yo yo. "Stay back!"

"But alas," the Storyteller continued, "Cat Noir was not coming to this crime scene. He was too busy, training. Preparing for the great duel to end this story." The Storyteller grinned down at Ladybug. "It's a shame Ladybug will have to handle this battle on her own."


"Plagg, Claws out!" Cat Noir jumped up the skateboard ramp and kicked the target hanging from the ceiling. He then rolled backward and punched the next two targets. He jumped down and tackled his backpack and leaped toward a mannequin dummy with his staff. He started hitting vital points on the dummy and used his fists inbetween blows.

"Cat Noir! What are you doing!?"

Cat Noir landed one more blow and looked out the window. An akuma was sitting on the window ledge. "What does it look like I'm doing?" Cat Noir asked. "I'm training."

"There is a monster attacking the park. Ladybug is fighting by herself and needs your help!"

Cat Noir went back to striking the mannequin. "She can handle it on her own. We both know she is the only one who can take the akuma."

"There is no akuma involved in this one, Cat Noir. Quit being stubborn and help her! We need her to defeat the Storyteller!"

Cat Noir grit his teeth and kicked the mannequin to the other side of the room. "Stop telling me that!!!" He stormed over to the akuma and slammed his staff on the floor. "What if I can defeat the Storyteller single-handedly? What if we don't need Ladybug to do the hard work this time? What if I can just destroy the akuma with my cataclysm!?"

"What if you're being foolish!? You're risking this whole fight on the assumption that you can kill an akuma! Let me give you the bad news, my akumas are invincible! They are made of miraculous magic!"

Cat Noir paused and grabbed the akuma by it's wings. "Then I'll just have to take your miraculous..."

He threw the akuma out, shut the window, and resumed his training.


Ladybug kicked the glass man to the ground. She placed her lucky charm gloves on his hands and tied his hands behind his back. As soon as she finished, he melted into water and vanished. Although she thought it was weird that the glass man would turn into water, she assumed he was defeated and threw her gloves into the air. As the red glow cleared the debris and damages, the Storyteller hovered down from the sky.

"Good work, Ladybug. Its amazing how easily you defeated my monster on your own."

Ladybug began spinning her yo yo. "What did you do to Cat Noir?"

"Why does it matter?" the Storyteller asked as he shrugged. "You don't need him. You can handle these fights by yourself."

"What are you talking about? Cat Noir is my partner. He is the reason I even catch akumas in the first place."

"Is he though?" The Storyteller walked over to a nearby bench and sat down. "Isn't he also the reason you almost gave up your miraculous to that Volpina impostor?"

"What? No, he was the reason I didn't give up my miraculous." Ladybug put her yo yo away. "What are you up to?"

"What if I told you that your friend, Adrien was Cat Noir?" He quickly shot his arms out at Ladybug and shook his hands. "Now before you just deny my suggestion, let's look at the evidence, shall we?" He pulled out his notebook and put on fake reading glasses. "Blonde hair, about your age, and has a decent skill level in fencing, as seen when he fought __________. That was Cat Noir. Let's look at Adrien: Blonde hair, about your age, and currently studies fencing."

"So you got three basic descriptions. Great, but their personalities are vastly different. Adrien is friendly, modest, and outgoing. Cat Noir is a flirty comedian with a big ego."

"And what about you, Marinette?"


"When you are Ladybug, you are a fearless fighter with no hesitation and perfect fighting forms. As Marinette, you are a shy girl who is very clumsy and is too shy to confess her feelings to Adrien."

Ladybug took a step back. "H-how did you-"

"You're blue hair and style of hair is a big giveaway. I'm surprised Lady WiFi thought Chloe was you. Maybe everyone is more dense than they lead on to be." Ladybug heard her miraculous beep and flinched. "You're running out of time. Better get going before you reveal your identity..."

Ladybug gave him an angry look before she ran away.


Cat Noir landed on top of a warehouse and looked out at the ocean. "Why did you call me here?" he asked.

The Storyteller faded into view several feet beside Cat Noir and sat down. "I wanted to tell you a secret."

"Pfft. A secret? What kind of secret could you have?"

"Well, what if I told you it had to do with the true identity of Ladybug?" When he saw Cat Noir's reaction, he grinned. "I have both of your secret identities figured out, Adrien."

"What do you plan to do with that information?"

"Share it, with you."

Cat Noir turned his head. "No. I promised myself to wait. If Ladybug wants to reveal her identity to me, she'll reveal it to me."

"Fine, how about some information on Marinette?"

Cat Noir flinched. "What does she have to do with any of this?"

"Everything. She was the first girl, besides Chloe, to be your friend at the school. Although you both had a rough start, you did eventually get along, am I correct?"

Cat Noir gave him an angry look. "Where are you going with this?"

The Storyteller grinned. "Are you ready to have your mind blown?"

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