Chapter 8

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Marinette woke up as the school bell rang and saw how everyone was starting to leave class. She stood up to join them but Alya placed her hand on her shoulder and sat her back down. "What's the matter? You slept through the whole class!"

Marinette sighed. "It's nothing. I just didn't get a lot of sleep last night."

"What were you doing last night that kept you up so late?"

Marinette looked down at Adrien's seat and slammed her head on her desk. "Adrien got hurt last night. I had to carry him to the hospital."

Alya sat back in her seat. "And you stayed there until they kicked you out?"

Marinette nodded and sat up straight. "I'm going to go visit him as soon as I leave."

Alya nodded. "Alright. Just make sure you get your feelings for him out, okay?"

Marinette stood up and started heading for the door. Before she left the classroom, she stopped and said, "I already did."

Alya froze in her seat and watched Marinette head down the steps and out the school. When she tried to chase her down, Marinette had already vanished.


Adrien turned his head as the door opened and Marinette walked in. He smiled at her and she gave a sad smile back. Marinette sat down on the chair beside him and held his hand in her own.

"They said I'll be okay," he reassured her. "The stab wasn't fatal."

"That's good to hear," Marinette said. "D-do you know when you'll be released?"

"They have to let my body heal from the surgery so I have to wait about two days." He looked down to the end of the bed. "I'm sorry I won't make that date we had planned."

"It's fine," Marinette said as she sat down on the floor. She rested her head on his chest and sighed. "W-we can go... a-after you get better."

"Did you get his akuma?" Adrien asked.

"N-no... I was too worried about... you."

Adrien nodded and stroked her hair. "That's okay. We need to work together to get that akuma anyways. It moves on it's own so it's hard to catch."

"Y-you tried?"

"Yeah. I tried to use my cataclysm on it but it moved out of the way. We're gonna need your yo yo to catch that akuma."

Marinette nodded and pulled out a chocolate bar from her pocket. "I-I got some chocolate from the lobby downstairs... W-w-would you like some?"

Adrien nodded and let Marinette raise her head. "That sounds good."

Marinette broke a piece off from the bar and held it in front of Adrien's mouth. He opened his mouth and Marinette dropped the chocolate in. He closed his eyes and chewed quietly. Once he swallowed the chocolate, he said, "That was really good chocolate."

Marinette went to break off another piece but her strength was gone. She tried over and over again to break the chocolate piece off but it wasn't budging. Adrien reached out and touched her shoulder. She gave him a fake smile. "I...I'm struggling to... get the next piece."

He reached up and wiped a tear away from under her eyes and laid back down. "You should have a piece as well. I can't eat all of that by myself."

Marinette nodded. "I-I guess you're right."


The Storyteller nodded and flew up to the rooftop of the hospital. He looked over at the akuma and grinned. "What? Is it wrong to ship a couple who have always wanted to be together?"

"You disgust me you pig," Hawk Moth said. "How can you manipulate these children's lives as if they were nothing but puppets in a grand play!?"

"Funny how you say that since you have manipulated many children to cause havoc to meet your desires."

"You're missing the point. I only give them power to do what they want and ask for a favor in return. You on the other hand gave up secret information just so you can watch them get closer. You disgust me."

The Storyteller caught his pen and paper from the air and shrugged. "What can I say? I'm a sucker for love stories."

"This isn't some stupid story you sell in a bookstore! This is the real world! If you manipulate it too much, you could cause a disaster that is irreversible!"

The Story teller bit the tip of his pen and shook his head. "Oh, come on, Hawk Moth. We both know that Ladybug's ability to reverse all damages will fix the situation as soon as I am defeated."

Hawk Moth hesitated. "D-do you plan on being defeated?"

The Storyteller grinned. "Spoilers..."

He jumped into the air and disappeared into the clouds, leaving Hawk Moth to wonder about why the Storyteller would bring up his demise.


Adrien woke up in a cold sweat and started panting. He glanced around the darkness and sighed. "It was just a dream," he whispered. "Just a dream." He reached for his water cup and his hand was grabbed. He pulled back and leaned back. "Who's there!?"

A figure in the shadows raised a small stick and a click sounded. A flashlight illuminated the ceiling and Adrien's dad, Gabriel Agreste, appeared over him. "Sorry to startle you, son. I just didn't get the chance to check up on you and thought I should take a personal visit to see you."

"Wow," Adrien said as he laid back and relaxed. "I never thought you would actually come."

Mr. Agreste gave a sad smile. "I know I'm not there for you all the time and when I am, I am usually strict but you are still my son, Adrien. I am going to try to treat you more like it."

Adrien nodded. "My friends from school all visited me in the afternoon. They brought chocolate, flowers, and even some get well soon cards." He gave a sigh with a smile and leaned his head back. "I'm so glad I have friends like this."

Mr. Agreste handed Adrien a cup of water and sat down in a nearby chair. "What happened to you that got you here?"

Adrien gave a nervous laugh. "I was running with scissors and I tripped."

Mr. Agreste seemed disappointed. "I thought someone might have attacked you."

"If anyone attacked me, they would probably have done more." Adrien took a sip of the water and sighed. "This is fresh water isn't it?"

"Yes. I filled it up in the hallway before I came here so that you had some water in case you woke up."

"Thanks, father."

Mr. Agreste looked down at the ring on Adrien's finger. "Son, I've been thinking a lot about that ring you have been wearing and I wanted to ask, do you want another ring?"

"Another ring?"

"Yeah. You seem to like that ring so I thought maybe you'd like another one, on me."

Adrien nodded. "Let's do that after this whole Storyteller thing calms down. He seems to strike at random. I think I saw the construction workers go on strike on the news because of his last attack."

Mr. Agreste nodded. "Fair enough."

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