Chapter 7

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The school bell rang and Marinette sighed. Adrien was starting to pack his school supplies into his bag. Once everyone left the classroom. Adrien stood up and faced her. "Everyone is gone now..."

"Yeah," Marinette said as she rubbed her arm. "So... about yesterday..." She swallowed the fear in her body. "I would love to go out with you..."

Adrien smiled. "How does the Italian restaurant by the city square sound?"

"S-sounds good. When do you want to go?"

Adrien's cheeks burned red. "How about... Wednesday after school?"

Marinette nodded as she moved her eyes toward her desk. "S-sounds p-perfect."

Adrien nodded. "I-I'll see you tomorrow..."

"S-see ya..."


Cat Noir drew out his staff and the Storyteller drew a sword. There was thunder and lightning roaring and flashing in the distance. The moonlight cut through the dark clouds and illuminated the warehouse through the open roof and holes in the walls.

"So you actually came alone," The Storyteller said. "I'm surprised Ladybug didn't follow you."

"She didn't know where I would meet you," Cat Noir said as he spun his staff. "Now let's settle this! I have to get ready for tomorrow."

"Oh, you sound confident," the Storyteller said with a grin. As he pulled out the sword from it's sheath, dark smoke started to flow from his body and his eyes turned bright red. "Let me show you that only one of us will leave this warehouse... alive!"

He rushed toward Cat Noir and tried to cut across his chest, but Cat Noir deflected the blow with his staff and kicked the Storyteller back. Cat Noir then started striking the Storyteller's shoulders, hips, ribs, and ankles with quick and precise movements. Before Cat Noir could land the final blow, the Storyteller spun around Cat Noir and used his elbow to hit Cat Noir in the spine. Cat Noir stumbled forward and quickly turned around in time to block another attack.

"Do you think you can beat me?" The Storyteller asked. "I am the one writing the story here. You are just a puppet in this theater of the damned!"

The Storyteller headbutted Cat Noir and punched him in the stomach. He swung his sword around to cut Cat Noir's hip but Cat Noir quickly deflected the blow and thrust his staff into the Storyteller's stomach. The Storyteller lost his breath and stumbled back, holding his stomach.

"I may not know how to write a good story," Cat Noir began. He spun his staff around him and finished with an offensive fighting pose. "But I know that even the characters of the writer's story can surprise the creator."

The Storyteller grunted and stood upright. "We'll see about that!"

They both rushed toward each other, weapons raised, letting out a battle cry as their weapons were swung and the clang of metal on metal echoed through the warehouse.


"Tikki! Spots on!" Ladybug jumped out the window and threw her yo yo at the nearest light post. Once it wrapped around the light, she pulled herself forward so that she could swing through the city. "Where did you say Cat Noir was?" Ladybug asked.

The akuma on her shoulder held on tightly. "He's in the warehouse by the pier. He's in the middle of fighting the Storyteller."

"How long have they been fighting?"

"Five minutes. At this rate, we might arrive at the end of the fight!"

Ladybug landed on a rooftop and started running. "We can make it in time. We can still help Cat Noir."

"You keep going," Hawk Moth shouted. "I'm going to akumatize someone near the site."

As the akuma started flying up Ladybug grabbed it and continued her run. "You will do no such thing."

"What are you doing!? We need to help Cat Noir anyway we can!"

"And what if you lose control of this akumatized person because they have a special power? Its safer to just rely on me this time."

Hawk Moth sighed. "Fine. But make sure you fight at your best."


The sword and staff collided and the two jumped back. Cat Noir and the Storyteller were short of breath and their shoulders hung low. Cat Noir glanced at his miraculous and saw he was low on time.

"I'm gonna have to end this here," Cat Noir said as he stood upright. His right hand became covered in black smoke. "Cataclysm..."

The Storyteller stood upright. "You think I'll let you touch anything with that hand? Just try me!"

Cat Noir rushed forward and knocked the blade out of the Storyteller's hand. He then jumped onto the Storyteller's head and reached for the pen and paper hovering above him. The two moved out of the way and Cat Noir spun until he landed on the ground. He rushed the Storyteller again and touched his sword. The sword broke apart and disappeared.

"Give it up! I won this duel."

The Storyteller grinned. "The story won't be good if the villain is defeated easily." The Storyteller took a step forward and thrust a small blade into Cat Noir's stomach. Cat Noir gasped and dropped his staff. "I guess you could call this scene a... cat-tastrophe."

The warehouse doors opened and Ladybug gasped once she saw the scene. Cat Noir looked at her with weak eyes. "M-Marinette..."

The Storyteller pulled the blade out from Cat Noir's stomach and Cat Noir fell to the floor, becoming motionless as soon as his body hit the floor. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the Miraculous Ladybug."

Ladybug clenched her fist as tears filled her eyes. "H-how could you..."

"Sorry. You're mumbling. Can you speak up?"

Ladybug locked her eyes on the Storyteller and started running at him. "How could you!!?"

Her yo yo struck the Storyteller's face and he stumbled to regain his balance. Ladybug called on a lucky charm and received a second yo yo. She moved quickly and started a barrage of yo yo attacks directed at the Storyteller. He tried to dodge some of the blows but the yo yos moved at blinding speeds and his body could only move so fast. Once Ladybug got close enough, she started landing punches and kicks to the body. Once the Storyteller collapsed on the floor, Ladybug ran over to Cat Noir.

His ring blinked and he returned to Adrien, holding his wound in a fetal position. Ladybug picked him up and started running toward the nearest hospital. He miraculous expired halfway there but that didn't stop her from carrying him to the help he needed. She was going to save her love. 

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