Chapter 2

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"Donna?" Sam asked as the door closed. We all stood in silence.
"'s...your...daughter" Mom was just about holding in her tears.
"What? Donna how could you not tell me!" He looked so shocked, as he should. She nodded. Mom looked at me. I looked at Sam. Sam looked at mom.
"You came back...then you left again...I was angry I didn't want to see you or speak to you again!" Mom failing to hold in her tears now.
"Donna if I had a daughter, you should have told me" Sam said.
"It wouldn't have changed anything, you already had a family!" Mom said.
Sam sighed and turned to me.
"Lizzie, I'm sorry" He said.
"Sam, I am...sorry I didn't tell you but I've raised Lizzie by myself all these years. You have a family back home, I knew you wouldn't leave!" Mom said.
"Donna," Sam began.
"Sam, nothing you say is going to change anything" Mom said.
"I am so sorry, Lizzie," Sam turned to me again.
"It's okay, I understand, you had no idea" I smiled.
"Would you come back to the boat with me for a few hours, if you want, I'd love to get to know you. If that's alright with you Donna?" Sam asked.
"It's up to you Lizzie" Mom shrugged.
"I'd love to!" I smiled. Sam grabbed his things.
"Lizzie," Mom pulled me over to her.
"I'm sorry," She apologised.
"Mom why are you sorry?" I wiped her tears.
"Maybe things would've been different if I had told him" She said.
"I wouldn't change a thing you did, mom. I love you and I'm thankful for everything you have done for me" I smiled.
"You're not mad?" She asked sounding confused.
"What. Of course not!" I wiped her tears again. She smiled and pulled me into a hug.
"Don't tell Sophie, okay, not yet" She moved my hair, smiling. I nodded.
"Go have fun, okay!" She smiled wiping her nose.

I went with Sam to Bill's boat and officially met Bill and Harry. We were going to sail around the island. They were all preping the boat.
I could hear shouting. Sam, Bill and Harry walked to the side of the boat where you get on and off.
"We're gonna sail around the island, you wanna come?" Bill shouted down to the water.
"You promised you'd come to my wedding!" I then realised it was Sophie.
"Ugh yes well your mother ejected us from the goat-house" Sam said.
"Yes we thought we better get out of her hair" Harry said leaning down.
"Donna freaked out when she saw us," Bill pulled Sophie onto the boat with help from Sam.
"What's that about?" Bill continued handing her a towell.
"No, she's just not thinking straight she's so stressed about the wedding. But she's got no idea that you're her lovely suprise, she'll be so happy tomorrow!" Sophie said. Between Sam and Bill, Sophie noticed I was there.
"Lizzie?" She questioned.
"What are you doing here?" We said at the same time. We both smiled slightly.
"I invited them here for the wedding" Sophie said.
"I take it mom doesn't know you invited them" I said.
"No, and you can't tell anybody that I invited them, okay please!" She said seriously.

Me and Sophie spent the afternoon around the island with Sam, Bill and Harry. They talked about the days with mom. I spent a lot of time with Sam and we got to know each other.
I found out I have two brothers Jason who is 20 and Alex who's 19.

We heard Sophie's name being shouted from shore. It sounded like Sky.
"Please, I have to go but please come tomorrow" Sophie said before jumping off the boat.
"Absolutely" Harry said.
"We'll be there" Bill stated.
"That's a promise" Sam pointed.

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