Chapter 5

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We walked out of 'Villa Donna' and put Sophie on the donkey. It was a long walk up to the chapel. Mom started to trail behind. I looked back and she gestured for us to go on so we did.

"Donna, I need to talk to you about who's giving Sophie away" Sam said to Donna.
"That would be me!" Donna replied moving around him.
"But...what about her dad" Sam looked after her.
"Her dad isn't here!" Donna continued to walk away.
"It's what she wants, she told me she wants her father here. What if her father wants that too!" Sam cut in front of Donna.
"What? Sam, don't do this now! I can't...hear this now!" Donna tried to ignore him.
"Donna, this is about us!" Sam exclaimed.

"Do you want me to go find her?" I turned to Sophie.
"No, she'll be here soon enough" Sophie sighed with hope in her voice.
A few minutes pass.
"Panic over!" Lisa said.
"Here she is!" Ali continued after her.

We walked down the aisle and sat in our places. We were welcomed by the Father before mom stood up.
"And welcome's dad...I must tell you he is here" Mom said turning to Sophie.
"I know, I invited him" Sophie said truthfully. There were lots of mutters around the room.
"You couldn't have, I don't know which one it is!" Mom turned to her. Sam, Bill and Harry stood up and gasps were spread around the room.
"Oh my God! That's why they're all here!" Mom said putting her hand to her mouth. Sophie begged for her forgiveness.
"I don't know, can you forgive me?" Mom said sounding out of breath.
"What? I don't care if you've slept with hundreds of men," wow Soph, nice. Small laughs escaped some mouths.
"You're my mom and I love you so much!" Sophie continued.
"Oh Soph" Mom pulled her into a hug.
"And I havn't slept with hundreds of men!" Mom commented under her breath which caused people to chuckle.
"I second that" I whispered to mom as she sat down.
"Am I getting this right? Sophie may be mine, but she may be Bill's or Harry's?" Sam stood up from the back and walked to the front. Oh god, here we go!

"You know, I have no idea which one of you is my dad, but I don't mind. Now I know what I really want...Sky let's just not get married yet" Sophie said which caused an eruption of gasps.
"What?" Sky replied.
"You never wanted this anyway, I know that, let's just get off this island and see the world, okay?" Sophie said happily.
"I love you!" Sky smiled before kissing Sophie. He picked her up bridal style and walked towards the exit of the church. I was a little confused, a lot.
"Donna do I take it, the wedding is cancelled?" The Father asked mom.
"I'm not completely sure what's happening right now!" Mom replied.

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