Paper Work and Stories

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It had been a couple days since Luffy joined the heart pirates, and she still insisted on sleeping on the floor rather than the bed. She was now sat in the dining room, filling out papers of some sort, confusing the crew. They were used to seeing her carefree and bouncing around, but now, she was serious and sitting still. "Do you think she's sick? Maybe ad fever?" Penguin asked as the continued watching her.

"I'm not sure, but maybe we should get the captain to check." Shachi suggested.

Luffy tried to ignore the whispering from the other crewmates about her working style, but it was slowly irritating her. She clutched her pencil and turned to glare at them. "Stop making this harder than it is." She growled before sighing and resting her forehead on the table.

"What's wrong?" Penguin asked as he came out from their hiding place. Luffy turned and pouted at them before answering.

"I have paper work to do. It was the condition from papa in order to join the crew." She sighed, trying to explain to the clueless men. "Usually I have Sabo do it for me." She whined, putting down the pencil.

With that, Shachi came out from the hiding spot along with Jean-Bart to look at the papers in front of her. "What's all this for?" Jean-Bart asked, confused.

"Threat analysis." Luffy sighed, not even wanting to explain, but due to the confused looks, she guessed she had to.

"A threat analysis is basically looking at a bunch of profiles made by the information sector and finding out if they are a threat or not, and if they are, how big the threat is and how we should proceed." Luffy explained as Law came into the room.

"Is that what you did for me?" Law asked out of curiosity and she looked up at him.

"I didn't do yours, don't remember who did, but at first you were a possible threat and we were to watch and wait. Then a couple years later, you were changed to a possible ally and we were going to get you to be a part of the army, but you threatened me with a knife." Luffy grumbled, making Law look away.

"I want to hear this story." Shachi giggled and she faced him, a cheeky smile on her face.

"Well. When I was seven, I was sent on my first solo mission to find Traffy and try to recruit him, but I got lost and when I was mumbling to myself, Traffy decided to listen in. He asked who I was looking for, and I couldn't pronounce the name, so I showed a piece of paper with the name on it and he then threaten me we a knife." Luffy explained, trying not to laugh half way through. After finishing, the crew burst out laughing at their captain.

"Why would you threaten a seven year old with a knife?" They cried out as they continued to laugh.

"How would you feel if someone you've never met had your name on a piece of paper and was trying to find you?" Law tried to counter, but it didn't work.

"It's fine Traffy! That's not the worst that happened." Luffy laughed, but this statement seized the laughing in everyone else.

"What do you mean?" Law asked confused. Luffy only grinned in response, thankful that she didn't have to continue her work at least.

"Well after meeting you, I was sent to the east blue for a mission and I was living with a group of mountain bandits and Ace. You'll never guess how many times Ace tried to kill me." She laughed, but her crew mates looked at her in concern.

"Who's Ace?" Jean-Bart asked, curious.

"Ace is Ace." Luffy replied, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Luffy. We don't know who Ace is." Law tried to clarify.

"Really?" She asked confused before smiling. "Ace is my big brother" She grinned. She ignored the confused looks and the gasping as she chuckled.

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