Marine Ford

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Once the submarine had reached the headquarters of the Navy, Law turned to Luffy. "We can't help you here. This is something you have to do alone. Are you alright with that?" He asked and Luffy nodded determinedly.

They'd guessed that the War between the Navy and the Whitebeard pirates was already underway as the port was completely frozen over and spilling over into the surrounding area. "Good luck." Law wished as Luffy left the deck of the submarine.

Luffy jumped onto the ice that covered the port and raced to find a view of her brother. She came into view of some giant old guy and wondered who he was. He had noticed her as well and gave her a glare. She ignored him when she noticed Ace up on the execution platform. She ran past the fights, not intervening, though those who were foolish enough to try and cross blades were quickly knocked out of her way.

"Ace!" She called out, drawing the attention of not only her brother but also the attention of her grand father and the fleet admiral, Sengoku.

"What are you doing here?" Ace called back in shock.

"I'm here to rescue you!" She boomed.

It'd felt like hours since she'd jumped into the battle, but she knew it was nowhere near three o'clock. The executioners took to the platform and she began to yell out in defiance, anger building up inside her. She knew that she wasn't supposed to use it, however this was an emergency. If she didn't her brother was going to die. "I'm sorry papa." She whispered softly before unleashing her Conqueror's Haki. In an instant,  marines began to fall including the executioners. With a sigh of relief, she headed forward, ignoring the whispers around her. A couple marine grunts had resisted her haki, but at least it seemed that they weren't up for a fight.

Luffy used the opportunity she had created to advance towards the plat form. She ignored all the comments made about her haki, as it wasn't the time or place for such matters. "Ace! I'm coming for you!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

That was when one of the seven warlords appeared before her. Luffy had hoped not to get involved with any of them, as it'd take longer to get to Ace if she did. "You must be Boa Hancock." Luffy stated as she looked over the warlord. Several minutes seemed to pass and Hancock just smiled and walked off. "What was that about?" She muttered to herself, but she didn't think about it for long. She needed to rescue Ace.

The closer she got, the more desperate the marines got. Marco the Phoenix had already tried to get to Ace, but had been knocked down by her granddad and was now fighting an admiral.

By the time she'd reached the stairs leading up to the platform, her granddad had noticed her and was now in her way. "Move out of the way granddad." She growled as he stood before her.

"You'll have to kill me first." He threatened, stopping Luffy in her tracks.

"I can't do that granddad. Move out of my way!" She replied, fists clenched.

"If you can't, Ace will die." Garp threatened, almost like he was egging her on.

"No way!" She screamed, running towards her grand father. "Things don't always go as you want! I'm not going to have mercy on you!" He replied in a steady growl. He paused for a moment, as if picking his next words carefully. "Luffy, I consider you my enemy." Garp announced, readying himself to fight Luffy. Garp swung his fist at his grand daughter, only for her to duck and return a punch to his face, knocking him off the staircase.

At last, she'd reached Ace. She looked at the sea stone cuffs on her brother's wrists and started to fumble with them. She unfortunately didn't have the key, but she did have her dagger. With the tip of the blade, she fumbled with the lock, hoping to get it open. A light blinded her and she looked up to see a furious fleet admiral transforming with his devil fruit power. Her eyes widened as she panicked, her movements becoming more static. As a giant, golden fist crashed towards them, the cuffs came off and Ace came alight with his flames. Luffy gave a relieved smiled, but it didn't last very long. The plat form was collapsing and on top of that, an angry fleet admiral didn't help.

With quick thinking, Ace pushed Luffy off of the platform before jumping after her. It was good that they'd managed to avoid Sengoku's giant fist, but now they were thrown head first into a free for all battle. The moment they landed, two marine captains came to slice them how ever Ace was faster and pushed Luffy's head down so she avoided the blows. It was a good thing that Ace was made of fire or that would have really hurt. She used her staff to knock the captains feet out from under them before the siblings started to run back to the safety of the pirate ships.

Along the way, many marines attempted to stop them, how ever, the duo easily out matched anyone under the rank of vice admiral. That was when he appeared. Admiral Akainu. He began to insult White Beard and the whole crew, infuriating Ace. "We have to go Ace." Luffy urged her brother, but he wasn't listening.

"What did you say?" Ace snarled at the admiral.

"Ace!" She yelled, finally gaining his attention. "You know only cowards resort to insults." She pleaded. With a sigh, Ace nodded and they began running again, how ever, this did not please the admiral whose eyes narrowed in anger

Akainu used shave to get ahead of the siblings. By looking at his face, it was easy to tell that he was furious. "No one calls me a coward and lives to tell the tale." The admiral threatened, his fists clenched. No warning was given as he leapt for Luffy. The admiral thinking that if he took down Ace's sister, then Ace would be too Greig stricken to fight back resulting in the deaths of both of them. His punch landed straight in the center of her chest and she screeched in pain, causing everyone who was near by to watch the scene unfold.

Fortunately, Luffy was able to jab Akainu in the neck with the end of her staff, rending his magma powers useless against her. However the pain was already unbearable. She collapsed next to her brother, sea stone staff still touching the admiral. She could hear a muffled voice calling her name, but she continued to hiss in pain till the edges of her vision darkened. The darkness soon spread to the rest of her vision and within seconds, she was out cold.

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