Arrival of the Heart Pirates

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About a week had passed since Luffy woke up and she was already fitting in with the lively crew. So much so that White beard had offered her a place on his ship, only to be refused saying that she was apart of the Heart pirates and the revolutionary army.

Luffy had woken up next to her brother and smiled. For the first time, she had woken up before him and she giggled cheekily before getting up. She didn't have any clothes with her as they were all on the sub, so she'd been washing her clothes each night while sleeping in some of Ace's. She put on her clothes before leaving the room to stare at the ocean.

Several minutes after the sun had fully risen, she noticed a shadow in the water and became confused till she noticed it was a yellow submarine. Her eyes widened and she started to jump up and down as the sub emerged from the water. The door opened and out came Law and Bepo. "Traffy!" She called out, waving, as she leaned on the ship's railing.

Marco heard the commotion that Luffy was creating and headed over to check it out. "You know you're not fully healed. Stop moving around so much." He warned before noticing the submarine. "Who are you and what do you want with us?" Marco asked, suspicion laced in his voice.

"We came to check on our crew mate." Law replied, looking up at the first division commander, who in turn raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Marco, don't be mean to my captain." She huffed, pouting at the older man.

The Heart Pirates boarded the Moby Dick and Luffy ran over to them. "I thought you said you weren't very hurt." Law scowled at the sight of all the bandages on Luffy's body. "I would have come sooner had I'd known it was this bad." Law added before noticing a very angry White beard subordinate. "You must be Fire Fist." He called to Ace who turned away. Law turned back to Luffy as he wondered if Ace had a problem with him being his sister's captain. Though he decided not to think about it too much.

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