Sibling Reunion

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When Luffy awoke, she found herself in some type of cabin. She could tell she wasn't in the submarine with the Heart Pirates as this was not a room she recognised. As she sat her, pain shot through her body, though a majority of it seemed to be focused around her chest. Looking down, she noted that she was covered in bandages from head to toe. She giggled to herself, thinking that she looked like a mummy.

The door creaked open, flooding light into the room. She blinked in confusion, not recognising the person at the door. They seemed to notice her sitting up and strangely, their mouth gapped open in shock.

"Who're you?" Luffy asked, but they didn't answer the question. The person was short and wore something that looked like a dress with white leggings. At this point, Luffy couldn't tell it this was a boy or a girl.

The person ended up running away, leaving the door open. Confused, Luffy got up with a pained groan and made her way to the door, limping as she went. The brightness outside caused her to screw her eyes up till the light became bearable. From there, she could see the ocean and Luffy smiled at the sight. She limped to the railing of the ship and leaned over slightly in order to feel the wind on her face, though something still felt out of pace and she wasn't sure what it was just yet.

After watching the sea for a couple of minutes, she turned her head to see the person from before. How ever, there were more people. She tilted her head in confusion. "Who are you guys?" She asked them, facing her body towards them.

"You're not supposed to be up yet! You were out for two weeks! They said it'd take at least four!" She heard a familiar voice scold and her face immediately lit up.

"Ace!" She cried, ignoring the pain as she threw herself at her brother.

"Luffy!" He cried in return, tightly embracing his sister.

After the long reunion, Ace helped Luffy to the main deck of the ship where she met White beard. "Oh! I remember you! You were standing on the ship when I arrived." Luffy cheekily recalled, giggling afterwards. She was offered a chair to sit on, but she refused; saying that it was more comfortable sitting on the floor. She smiled at white beard, thankful that he hadn't given her any more mean looks like he did during the war.

"So. You're Ace's sister?" White beard asked purely out of curiosity. Luffy gave a great big grin before nodding.

"I've known him since I was seven." She added, confusing the gentle giant.

"We're not blood related. Gramps dropped her off at Dadan's place when I was ten and she was seven." Ace explained. He'd hoped that Luffy would have gotten over he simple mindedness by now, but he was proven wrong.

"Oh and there's Sabo." Luffy added before turning to Ace. "Guess what!" She asked Ace.

"What?" He asked.

"Sabo is chief of staff now." She giggled, causing Ace to smile.

"Wow. He got promoted quickly I guess it helps when you saw thinks of him as a son." Ace smiled thoughtfully, wondering if he should pay the army a visit soon.

"May I ask what are you talking about?" White beard interrupted, stirring the curiosity of the other commanders.

"The revolutionary army." Luffy smiled before coming to a realisation as she looked around at the shocked commanders and captain. "Oh! I shouldn't have said that. Forget I said anything." She giggled cheekily.

"You really do take after gramps don't you." Ace sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, but he couldn't fully hide his smile.

After a couple hours of talking, it was becoming obvious that Luffy was becoming restless from stilling still, though Ace made her stay still so she wouldn't reopen her wounds. "I almost forgot!" She cried before patting herself down, looking for a transponder snail.

"What are you looking for?" Marco the Phoenix devil fruit user asked.

"My transponder snail. I have to call papa and Traffy!" She replied, not really focused though.

"Here" Ace said, giving Luffy her transponder snail.

"Thanks!" She smiled gratefully before slowly getting up and moving to a quiet space.

She called Dragon first considering that her father should know that she's alive. "Hey papa!" She greeted, like nothing happened.

"Luffy! Where have you been? Are you alright?" Her father bombarded her with questions to which she laughed.

"I'm good. I'm with Ace right now too." She replied. Dragon gave a sigh of relief before continuing.

"That's good to hear. How ever, you seemed to have attracted even more attention to yourself." Her father said, his tone telling her that he knew that she'd never be able to secretly be an agent.

"They've raised your bounty up to 400 million and are now calling you the daughter of the revolution." Dragon added. Luffy laughed at the thought. "It seems that they've finally made the connection." He continued, despite her laughter.

After a bit of catching up, she said goodbye to her father and went to call Law. "Traffy!" She greeted when she heard some one pick up.

"Luffy?" Penguin responded shock, surprise and joy mingling in his voice.

"Yep it's me, but I have to talk to Traffy first." She explained.

On the other end, she could hear some excited muttering as Law picked up the receiver. "Hello?" He asked and she chuckled knowing that he wasn't told anything.

"Traffy! It's me." She giggled. Several minutes passed before Law could even respond. "Where are you now? Are you hurt? Are you using a bed for once? Are you going to come back to the sub?" He asked, leaving no response to answer.

"With Ace, a bit but I'm okay, I think so, and yes." She responded to all the questions Law had. "Remember the mystery paper I gave you a while back?" She asked. "If you follow that, then you should find me." She explained. "See you later then!" She added, hanging up before giving Law the chance to respond. Now they had to come.

After finishing her call, she limped back to Ace with a cheeky smile on her face. "Hey Ace! Guess what papa told me?" She asked teasingly. "I have a new bounty!" She exclaimed with excitement. "400 million!" She added with a smile that was large enough to seem uncomfortable to anyone but her.

"You seem to be catching up to your brother." Marco laughed, earning a furious glare from Ace.

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