oops wrong patient

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Carter and Mason⬆
James p.o.v⬇

We parked in my drive way, so we don't seem suspicious. The ambulance came out with the nerd in a stretcher. Her leg looked swisted and blood was coming from it liked she got stabbed in the leg with a knife.
Beside from the twisted leg and the oozing blood, she actually looked......well...pretty sexy. I know , i know, "how can you be checking her out when she's in this condition" well its not my fault. Jay then startes to speak, "hey is it just me or the nerd-" "looks pretty sexy" we all said at the same time.

We all just kept admiring her body when a guy i presume is her brother looked at us. Mason called him over to where we were. The nerd's brother started to walk over here.

"What happened over there Gray" asked Mason

"Oh um well my sister fell down 5 flights of stairs then accidentally stabbed herself with a knife" Gray said.

I knew that was her brother. After Gray told us what happened he went into the ambulance to go to the hospital with his sister.

Crystal's P.O.V⬇

I layed on the couch still hurting from falling down the stairs. My leg looked like only half of it went through a portal but then came back the wrong way. The next thing I did was probably the dummest thing ever. I was thirsty, but my mom left because she trusted gray to handle this and Gray was upstairs packing my clothes because he could tell i would be stuck in the hospital for a couple days. I slowly got up from the couch, the pain started hurting like 5 times worse,but i held it in. I managed to crawl my way to the kitchen on only one foot and tried to stand by holding the counter top. My hand slipped down and a knife came down with it and stabbed my other foot. Yay what luck i have. I screamed so loudly and Gray came running downstairs. I solftly said "Gray you buttmonkey"That's when everything became black.


I was packing crystal's clothes when i heard another scream. I raced downstairs, but halfway i heard ''Gray you buttmonkey" any way i race downstairs to see a(n) unconscious crystal lying on the floor with a knife in her leg and blood splattering from it. All that was going through my mind was "She stabbed herself, why-no how the hell did she stab herself, did she stab the wrong foot?". I started panicking, should i pick her up, will that help or make it worse. I didn't know what to do.By the time the little rant in my head was gone, i heard sirens. I heard a knocking on the door and almost fell trying to open it.

"Is this where the emergency is at" asked on of the emergency guys

"Y-yes, she's in the kitchen"

The guy went past me to get to crystal and yelled to the rest of the guys at the door "bring the stretcher, its a 5-41"!!! I followed them as they hauled crytal out of the house. I stepped outside only to see practically the whole neighborhood being nosy. I looked over to my left and saw Mason. Mason called me over and i left to see why he is calling.

"What happened over there Gray" Mason asked me

" Oh um well my sister fell down 5 flights of stairs, then accidentaly stabbed herself" I just realized I probably shouldn't have been so open about that.

"Ouch" Carter said

"Well i gotta go" i said as i started heading back to the ambulance.

Crystal's P.O.V ⬇

I woke hearing a beeping nose. I slammed my hand to my right to turn it off, but i didn't hear my alarm go off and being the lazy person I am, I kept hitting the table on every direction. The beeping still didn't go off, so gathering all the strength I had, I opened one of my eyes, just barely, barely even an asian eye(not to be racist, so dont be "ooooh she being raaaacccccciiiiiiisssst") anyway, barely even an asian eye, opened my left eye. I saw a ceiling, no suprise there i know, but it wasn't my bedroom ceiling, it was a smooth white ceiling so I know it wasn't my room since I know my ceiling is bumpy as fuck. I tried getting up but I realized my legs were not moving, I looked to see why and my face was filled with horror............my legs......had a fucking pink cast on it and I hate the color pink. I screamed totally ignoring the fact that I had casts on both of my feet. Gray bursts through the door like me trying to get the last flat screen tv on Black Friday. "C what happened, what's wrong, like I know what's wrong but like what's wrong more" Gray asked "it's-it's-" I couldn't even speak right. "It's what" Gray said pleading for me to finish my sentence. "It's...p-p-PINK" I managed to get out my mouth. Gray dropped to the floor "are you fucking kidding me C, you screamed like that just because your cast is pink" Gray said quiet angrily and annoyed if I may add. " speaking of cast, WHY THE HELL DO I HAVE TWO ON" I said just then realizing I have a fucking cast on both, not one, but yes both of my legs.

"Ooh so I guess you don't remember what happened, typical since you passed out"

"What, Gray did you fart in my face and the impact and smell was so big I flew across the room breaking both my legs and pass out"

"What the, no, what is going on in that head of yours"

"Meh it could happen"

"No it couldn't, anyway, you fell down 5 flights of stairs and accidentally stabbed yourself"

"Oh my gosh did anyone else see it"

"If anyone does not include the entire neighborhood, then no"

"Oh gosh"

Just as me and gray were finishing our little chat a doctor came in.

"Ms.May , I am sorry to say but......you have cancer, you will need your legs surgically removed"

"WHAT" Gray and I said at the same moment getting scared

"Psst. Dr.Wong, this is Ms. May's room, your clipboard says Ms.Mayfield." Said a nurse that just came in

"Oh I'm terribly sorry wrong patient"The doctor said

"It's ok but don't get it Wong next time, (imitates sponge bob laugh)"
I was glad that I didn't need to have my legs removed, but I also felt bad for the other lady who does.

My phone buzzed, I picked it up , Gray wondering what it's about and who's it from came looked across shoulder, it was then ours eyes came in horror and shock as to what the text said and who it's from.


I think this may be the fastest I ever uploaded a chapter, idk. Anyway, what do you think the text said huh, leave comments on what you think. I am also really happy my book is at almost 1.k reads, and you will not know how happy I am about it.

Isn't it fun when I leave cliff hangers. Ooh also I'm watching a drama called "W " , yes just the letter w, btw it's a Korean drama and It is really interesting, I suggest you watch it. What's you favorite kind of show.

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