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My best friend Lauren and I were going to the state fair for the day. Of course we chose the hottest day to go. I threw on a white lace tank top and a pair of light wash jean shorts, slid on some flip flops then headed to Jessi's house. We went down to the fair for one day every year, it was about a three hour drive. I enjoyed the ride because it gave me time to catch up with Lauren, I think she enjoyed it too or at least she acted like she did. As I was driving up Jessi's driveway I saw her standing outside of her door with a huge grin.

"Hey what's up," Lauren said excitedly as she pulled me in for a hug.
"Not a whole lot, you," I responded as I pulled out of her driveway.
"Well Jack broke up with me."
"Told you he wasn't right for you," I responded in a sassy tone.

The parts of the car ride that weren't spent talking about Jack were better spent "singing" to songs on the radio. Once we got sick of hearing the same songs over and over we plugged Lauren's phone into the aux. She listened mostly to alternative music. I swear Lauren only listened to alternative so that she could tell people that her music was definitely not 'mainstream'. The ride seemed really short probably because we were having a genuinely good time. We paid to get into the parking lot and followed the guys waving glow sticks in the air . Once we parked our car we both got out and put mass amounts of sunscreen on, knowing that neither of us would reapply. We then walked through the parking lot to the metal detectors and paid for our admission tickets.

The first thing we did was venture all the way to the other side of the park, mentally noting what we wanted to do through out the day. We decided to start off with people watching, one of our favorite past times. We quickly realized it was most fun to people watch when the majority of the people were drunk and at 10 a.m. few were even close to being buzzed.

"Camila!" Lauren screeched.

I quickly turned to her wondering if something had happened, "what?"

She began walking to a wooden sign, "They have goats!"

For what ever reason Lauren was extremely fixated with goats. I reluctantly followed her to the animal barn.  Once she was satisfied we exited the barn and headed back to fresh air. After our taxing walk through the goat barn we had both worked up quite an appetite.

We found a little food cart selling typical fair food, deep fried anything. While I was trying to decide what I wanted Lauren got impatient and budged in front of me. She ordered a Sprite and a corndog. The workers must've been running a little slow because her simple order took a while, a line began to form behind us. As I continued to look at the menu I could feel the person behind me breathing down my neck. I was thankful when the boy in the food cart asked me to order.

"Uh, I'll get a frozen lemonade and a boat of cheese curds please."
"Yeah that'll be $10.50," the worker said with a grin.
"Fuck," I mumbled under my breath pulling a $20 out of by purse and handing it to the worker.
He handed me my change and my frozen lemonade.
"Your cheese curds will be a few minutes," I nodded with a fakes smile.
I turned around as I put the change back in my purse while trying to hold onto my almost overflowing lemonade. I held my drink out in front of me, closing my bag as I shuffled to the side. My arm smashed into the guy who was breathing on me earlier. The frozen lemonade oozed from my shirt down my legs and to the ground. A miniscule amount dribbled down his bicep.
"Fuck," I mumbled this time a lot louder.
"Shit. I'm so sorry,"the tall handsome stranger responded. I stood there breathless he was so attractive yet alarmingly familiar.

I grabbed a handful of napkins and began wiping the access of slushy from my t-shirt.

"Whatever," I grunted giving up on saving my shirt. I took a napkin and pointed at his arm, "Can I?"

He looked at me confused for a moment then nodded.

I threw the dirty napkins away and was shocked to see the man still there when I returned.

"You own me a shirt," I said with a straight face mostly joking.

He chuckled, "Actually  I think I might have something, come with me."

"But my friend Laur-" I started as I looked behind me and saw her talking to a pair of girls from our school. The guy looked at me with raised eyebrows probably waiting for me to finish my sentence. "Y-you know what I'll just text her," I finished as the stranger with perfect hair lead me through the crowd. Lauren would've taken this chance if she had it I lthought to my self. It made me feel better about leaving her.

"My names Shawn," he said with an adorable grin.

"I'm Camila," I returned the grin.

"Come on I'll take you to the bus," Shawn said as he started walking through the crowd.
Terrifying thoughts can through my head. Who the hell has a bus at a state fair? Despite knowing that I shouldn't follow this stranger to his "bus" I couldn't help but be curious.  I continued follow him, weaving between the people surrounding us. A literally crowd was forming around us. People were were holding their phones out yelling at us. He stopped a few times and took selfies with people he obviously did not know.

"What the fuck is going on," I yelled to Shawn who was a few people in front of.
He just heled up his phone and motioned for me to keep following him, I only grew more curious. There was no way I was going to walk around in this sticky shirt all day, he definitely owed me. What could go wrong?

One Night Stand ; s.m. c.c.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora