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4 months later

Today was the day. I was going to pick out a family for my baby. But this I didn't want to do alone, so I picked up Lauren. I was just starting to show, only a little bit. So I leave my house as little as possible so that people don't ask me any questions. Four and a half months pregnant and I had finally made my decision.

Lauren got into my car and gave me a sympathetic smile, "You can do this." She rubbed my leg and I nodded as we drove to the adoption agency. We checked in and waited for our name to be called.

"Cabello," a tall lady wearing business women clothes said.

Lauren and I stood up and followed her to an empty office.

"Okay lets get started," the lady said sitting down behind her desk and turning on her computer.

"Camila what type of adoption are you looking for?"

I gritten my teeth and thought. "Uh I think I want an open adoption."

"Okay," the lady said as she typed.

"We have 20 different families that want an open adoption. Do you have any preferences to narrow it down?"

"Um I'd like the couple to me married," I said shyly. I had no idea what to say. I had no idea what I was doing.

She typed on her computer some more, "Okay that narrowed it down to 15, anything else?"

I shook my head, I couldn't think of anything else.

"Okay let me go print this off I'll be right back."

Lauren and I sat next to each other in silence until the woman came back.

She sat back down in her seat and slid a bunch of manila folders across the table. Each of them were plump full with papers.

"Either you can look through those in the waiting room or you can take them home with you and make your decision," she said with a warm smile.

I grabbed all the papers and stood up, "I think I'll take them home, thank you."

"Okay call me if you have any questions."

Lauren and I left the agency and went back to my house. We sat down on my living room floor and set out each of the folders in a line. Fifteen in total. I grabbed the first folder and handed the second to Lauren, we sat in silence as we both read.

"Michael Ray Stevenson and Kylie Kristen Stevenson," I scrunched my nose and shook my head. "Nah too young." I set the folder on the a chair behind me deeming it the no pile.

"What've you got," I asked Lauren.

"Uh Justin Drew Bieber and Selena Marie Gomez. I kind of like them," Lauren said flipping through the pages and setting them next to her. Starting her yes pile.

We went through the applications for hours on end. I was okay with putting the time and effort into this because it was for my child's future. Once we were done picking the people we didn't want we had two folders left.

Aubrey Drake Graham and Robyn Rihanna Fenty

Justin Drew Bieber and Selena Marie Gomez

Aubrey and Robyn were my pick but Lauren really seemed to live Justin and Selena. The life of my child would be in their hands until it was 18.

I handed my pick to Lauren and she handed me hers. We sat in silence again reading the applications.

"He has too many tattoos," I pointed at a picture of Justin.

"And he has a reseeding hair line," Lauren pointed at Aubrey's hair.

"How long have they been married?"

Lauren flipped a few pages, "Uh 11 years."

"Oh dang Justin and Selena have only been married for 5," I over dramatically shrugged.

"Well since we aren't coming to any conclusions why don't you call the agency?"

I rolled my eyes because Lauren was right and I hated to be wrong.

I called the same woman I had talked to earlier and she said that I could come down to her office tomorrow and talk to each of the couples.

I hung up the phone and turned to Lauren who I assumed heard the whole conversation, "You want to come?"

"Of course," Lauren smirked.

We spent the night watching stupid funny movies on Netflix and eating popcorn. I woke up feeling oddly nervous. I jumped in the shower then put some make up on. How much is too much. I wanted to make a good impression. Then I headed to my closet, this was going to be an even harder task. I haven't really bought any maternity clothes because I don't want it to be a reality. I threw on a baggy "boyfriend" tee shirt that wasn't all to baggy anymore then a pair of leggings because I couldn't fit into any of my jeans.

Lauren and I arrived to the adoption agency my heart raced. I walked into the office with my head held high, trying to calm myself. The lady from the other day ushered us into an empty conference room. Lauren and I sat in silence for a few moments before the door opened. The first couple to walk in was Aubrey and Robyn. Aubrey was wearing a fancy tee shirt and tight fitting dress slacks Robyn was wearing a knitted sweater and a pair of skinny jeans.

I stood up and extended my hand to Aubrey then Robyn, "Hello I'm Camila."

"I'm Aubrey but you can call me Drake," he flashed me a warm smile.

Robyn took her seat then spoke, "How far along are you?"

"Uh six- almost seven months Robyn."

"Oh hun you can call me Rihanna."

"I hope you don't mind me asking Camila, but what happened to the baby's father?" Drake asks trying to sound respectful.

I took a deep breath and tried to think of what to say, "It was a one night stand. He never called me back."

They both nodded.

"I have one condition. When they turn 18 I want it to know who its parents are," I choked out.

They both looked at eachother with concerning facial expressions.

Rihanna finally spoke up, "I don't think that would be good for the child."

"Well then I don't think you guys are the ones for me."

They both smiled and shook my hand once more then left the conference room. Next walked in Justin and Selena. They both introduced them selves and then sat down. We had almost the same conversation that I had with Drake and Rihanna.

"I want the baby to know who it's birth parents are when they are 18. They don't have to have any contact with us I just want it to know where it came from."

"Uh I think we could work that out," Selena said. A large grin spread across my face.

"I uh I'm going to be writing some letters for him or her to open when they are 18. C-could you give them to it when the time comes?"

They both smiled and agreed to everything I said. Selena explained how they had been trying for years to have a baby but couldn't, I was their only hope. This made me feel hopeful that they would follow through with my conditions. They excited the room and I felt confident.

Lauren looked at me and smirked, "Yeah yeah you won." She grabbed my arm and helped pull me out of my chair. Lauren dropeed me off at my house and I went to town writing everything I wanted to say to my baby.

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