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My surroundings became rather blurry after my third or maybe fourth shot. I stood but lost my balance almost immediately. Catching myself on the couch I slowly wobbled down the hallway to the bathroom that seemed as if it were miles away.

I stumbled out of the bathroom the door smashed against the wall behind it, "Oops." I giggled shutting the door behind me. I began to walk back toward everyone else but Shawn stood in the hall.  

"Excuse me," Shawn's large build blocked almost the entire walk way.

He didn't budge, as I attempted to walk around him Shawn wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer.  He bit his lip and caressed my face, I grinned. Shawn pressed his lips against mine. Slowly we walked backwards into the bedroom, only parting our lips for small breaths.  I tugged at his shirt attempting to pull it upwards . He shook his head then picked me up, my legs wrapped around his torso. Shawn stumbled to  wall, pressing my back against it, not removing his luscious lips from mine. I fumbled with the buttons that were on the wall behind me attempting to shut the curtain that cut off the back room from the rest of the bus. By the time I finally found the right button there was John Mayer playing paired with what seemed like club strobe lights. We both giggled as Shawn threw me on the bed then went to fix the music and lights.

He kept the music on just turned it down a little bit. Then Shawn messed with the lights until he finally settled on a dimmed strobe pattern. I was way too drunk to even care. He stumbled back toward me and found his way to my lips. We rolled around on the bed until I was sitting on his chest, still not removing my lips from his. Shawn laughed at me as I tried to get his oversized black V-neck off of myself. I finally ripped it off and threw it across the room with a grunt.

"You're a lot more hot when you're not bitching," Shawn said before aggressively pushing his lips against mine.

I pulled my face off of him, "You're a lot more hot when you aren't a complete ass."

Shawn rolled his eyes and grasped the back of my hair, forceful ling connecting our lips together once more. I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and shimmied if off of his body revealing his defined abs. I watched his chest rise and fall with a wide grin. We continued our aggressive making out as I ran my hand down his torso to his belt buckle. I fumbled with the buckle until it was undone then I unzipped his pants. Shawn then stood up and took his own pants off the rest of the way as I pulled off my shorts then laid back down on top of him. After that I kind of blacked out.

I woke up to the sound of a toilet flushing followed by the smell of fresh coffee.

"Holy shit," I mumbled holding my head and trying to figure out where I was. Light entered the small room through the large widows making me squint. Then I noticed the motion of the bus, my heart sank. The curtain slowly opened half way revealing Shawn with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Rise and shine," He said setting the cup on the nightstand next to me. I grabbed the comforter and held it closely to my body.

"Chill, its not like I haven't seen it before," Shawn grinned.

"Please tell me we didn't..." I whined.

"Oh yes we did. And you can't tell anyone. No matter how much you want to."

"You're lucky I can't remember because I can't tell anyone how terrible you were," I scoffed.

I forgot how much of a douche bag he was when I first met him. My headed started to pound, a sense of panic set in.

"Why don't you put yourself to use and get me some Tylenol." Shawn rolled his eyes then left the room closing the curtain behind him. I quickly stood up and tried to locate my clothes. I had my shorts and a bra on when Shawn returned and eyed me up and down.

"Looks just as good as it did last night," He winked at me and threw me the Tylenol.

"Was that your plan? Get me drunk and then take advantage of me?"

"Oh please don't act like you weren't into it."

"Well I can't fucking remember anything," I threw the V-neck back on then poured three pills into my hand. I tossed them in my mouth then washed them down with a swig of coffee."Oh my god. Wheres Lauren," I looked at Shawn then walked to the main part of the bus. I saw Lauren with a bucket pressed against her face and Brian sitting next to her holding her hair. His face was completely white, it looked like he needed his own puke bucket.

I looked out the window not recognizing anything I saw, "Where the hell are we?"


One Night Stand ; s.m. c.c.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora