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Five weeks later

Warm tears streamed down my face constantly was I dialed Lauren's number in my phone. I whipped the tears from screen before bringing the phone to my ear. She picked up on the second or third ring but it seemed like it was taking forever.

"Hey Cam what's u-"

"L-Lauren," I choked out between sobs.

"What's wrong hun?"

I took a deep breath and spoke before I could talk myself out of it.

"Lauren I think I'm pregnant."

The other side of the line fell silent, my heart pounded.

"Hang on I'm going to go get some tests from Rite-Aid then I'll be right there. Calm down Mila, Love you," Lauren said oddly calm. I could hear a lot of motion on her end of the call, she was probably already out the door.

"Thank you. Love you," I whipped my tears once more then hung up. I sunk down on my bathroom floor, pulling my knees into my chest, trying to calm myself. Before I knew it my front door opened then loudly closed.

"In the bathroom," I yelled to Lauren my voice shaky.

Footsteps sounded up the stairs until Lauren appeared in the door way. She crouched down then sat next to wrapping her arms around my body. I laid my head on her shoulder as we rocked back and fourth.

"It's okay Mila I'm here," Laur said resting her chin on the top of my head. "Just breath."

I followed her instructions and took a few deep breaths, in and out. Once I no longer felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest I decided it was time. I stood up and grabbed the small box off of the counter. I pulled one of the sticks out and walked to the toilet. Lauren watched my every move, I'm not sure why she was being so attentive. I stood up and set the test on top of the box.

"Can you set a timer on your phone for five minutes," Lauren flashed me the smallest smile then pulled her phone out.

I set my hands on the counter holding up most of my body weight, studying myself. My eyes were blood shot and puffy. My hair was a complete mess I ruffled it attempting to make it look some what descent but ultimately gave up.

"Look at me. I can't be a mom, I'm only 19," I said motioning to myself in the mirror.

"We don't know anything ye-" Lauren was cut off my the beeping noise of her phone. Times up. My body went numb. I reached for the pregnancy test but Lauren was already one step ahead of me. I tried to grab it from her hands but she held it above my head.

"Are you sure you're ready?"

I swallowed then nodded, Lauren slowly handed it to me. We looked at each other she nodded, I took a deep breath then pulled the film off of the stick revealing what I didn't want to know. Revealing what couldn't be true. My heart skipped a beat, I fell to the ground, putting my head in my hands.

"That doesn't mean anything. You won't know for sure till you go to a doctor," Lauren said as she threw the test in the trash can. I continued sobbing what was I supposed to do.

"Oh Mila look there's another test in this box," Lauren tried to sound hopeful and handed me another stick.

Reluctantly I stood up and headed back to the toilet. Lauren set her timer for five minutes again and we waited, time moved slowly. Her phone sounded once more, we both jolted up.

"Don't get too excited Cam," Lauren said handing me the test. I took a deep breath and pealed back the film once more. I sighed and handed it to Lauren.

"Mila I'm so sorry," she wrapped her arms around me and rubbed my back.

"Wh-what am I going to do."

"Well you're going to go put on your warmest pjs. I'm going to go get some Ben and Jerrys ice cream and popcorn then we are going to the roof," Lauren giggles trying to make me feel better. I grinned as she gave me one more tight squeeze then headed downstairs to her car. I walked to my closet and grabbed an oversized crew neck and a pair of joggers. Then I put on a pair of fuzzy socks and pulled all of the blankets from my bed. I grabbed two pillows then headed to the roof dropping the pillows a few times then picking them back up. Once I got to the roof I laid out two blankets on top of each other then set the comforter on top. I set the pillows next to each other then sat down and waited for Lauren to return.

"I'm back bitch," Lauren giggled holding up two pints of Ben and Jerry ice cream. She sat down next to me and handed over one of the cartons with a spoon. I looked at the label and smiled.

"Half baked, my favorite."

We sat and ate our ice cream looking at the stars. Once we were finished we both laid down and continued star gazing, my eyes fell heavy.

I was screaming in pain, hands on my stomach.
"Shawn we need to go," he pulled my arm around his shoulder. We stumbled the car. Shawn put me in the passenger seat shut my door then ran to the other side of the car.
He drove as fast as possible I screamed in pain.
"It's okay Camila we are here," Shawn pulled me out of the car and into the emergency room. Multiple nurses and doctors flocked to me and put me on a stretcher then rushed me to an empty room.
Shawn grabbed my hand and stood next to me I continued to scream in agony. I squeezed Shawn's hand, he winced. Then I heard crying, but not my own.
"It's a girl," Shawn said with tears in his eyes holding our baby.
"What's her name," a nurse asked me.
Shawn kissed me on the cheek then handed me the baby.
"Camila wake up," Shawn said in a voice that oddly resembled Lauren's. I furrowed my eye brows. "Wake the fuck up!"

I jolted awake the morning sun warm on my body. Lauren smiled at me.

"Morning sleepy head," she grinned at me.

"I need to tell him," I blurted.

Yo yo yo. I hope you guys are still enjoying, thanks for still reading - U.M.

One Night Stand ; s.m. c.c.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя