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"Stop," Lauren laughed until she realized I wasn't even cracking a smile. "Are you fucking with me right now," She looked at me in disbelief.

"I'm not joking, not even a little bit."

"Bitch how did you not recognize him."

I rolled my eyes, "I've heard of him but I don't follow him on anything, And then he gave me this shirt..."

"Fuck," I groaned.


"I left my fucking shirt in his bus," I groaned.

Lauren punched me in the arm aggressively. "Camila this is perfect."

"What are you talking about," I questioned while rubbing my shoulder.

"This gives you a reason to talk to him again."

I squinted at Laruen in complete confusion. I wondered if she had missed the part of the story where Shawn was a complete douche bag.

" I don't want to talk to him again," I scoffed. "And even if I did I don't have his number anyways."

"Minor details, minor details," She repeated. "Well first we need to get those tickets," Lauren started walking toward the directory sign.

After analyzing the map I lead Lauren and I to the main ticket booth. I asked the man if there was anything in the office under the name Andrew. He handed me two front row tickets, seats 5 and 6. As much as I hated giving this narcissistic ass what he wanted I figured the concert would be a good experience.

"Hey can I borrow a pen really quick," she asked the older man working. He nodded and handed her an Ink Joy pen. Lauren pulled out an old receipt from her purse and started writing on it.  She handed the pen back to the man before thanking him.

"What did you write," I questioned.

Lauren chuckled, "I can't give all my secrets away." She smirked while shoving the note in her pocket.

We hung out around the fair for a few hours waiting for the show to start. I noticed a mob of girls starting to form near the gates surrounding the main stage, I guess it was almost time for the show to begin. Lauren and I stood back for a while letting all the 9-15 year old fangirls go in before us. I didn't particularly feel like being trampled today. We got to our seats and realized we were probably the only people in attendance that had graduated high school besides all of the parents.

The show started and I felt awkward only knowing the words to Stitches and the chorus to Treat You Better.   Lauren grabbed the note out of her shorts pocket and handed to to me. Shawn kept making eye contact with me, once I knew I had his attention I put the note in the air. He walked by touching everyone's hand and held mine while grabbing the note. Shawn smiled and winked at me before finishing his set. This was probably every teen girls dream, to be this close to Shawn Mendes and to know that he has your phone number. I couldn't help but feel kind of bad. One of his die hard fans could be living their life dreams but here I am awkwardly trying to pretend like I know the lyrics. Once the show was over we waited in your seats for a little while letting the mobs of people die down. Lauren was just about to start walking out when my phone buzzed.

"Omg Lauren," she rushed to my side and grabbed my phone.

"Meet me in parking lot 6. Same tour bus - Shawn," she read the text out loud and started responding.

"What are you saying," I groaned reaching for my phone but Lauren held it away from me.

"Mila chill. I'm just telling him that WE will be right there. Let's go," she said impatiently handing my phone back and exiting the venue.

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