Chapter One (Edited)

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Raven on the side.

Thank you to all who are giving my book a chance!


I watched from my queen sized bed as the raindrops raced down my window in the back center of my bedroom. I had woken up a few hours ago and was going to go into the forest but didn't due to the storm that was still currently going on. My mind felt blank, like it was half empty. And at the beginning that worried and scared me but sadly I was use to it now. It's been like this all summer and most of fall now that it was almost November. Ever since my wolf had almost died and went mute. Thankfully she was there, but it was barely. Sometimes I couldn't even feel her at all. Amelia, my wolf, had left me to deal with what happened by myself. Sometimes I hated her for that, sometimes I understood why.

My bedroom door opened and I watched from the corner of my eye as my twin brother Ryant walked in and closed the door behind him. "I figured you were already awake. I went out and got you some food when I noticed you hadn't come out and caused some kind of riot yet", he said with a small smile. He placed a Burger King bag and a bottle of orange juice on my nightstand next to my bed. I could smell the french toast sticks and tater tots from my spot on the bed and smiled inwardly. He got me my favorite, talk about best brother of the year. He sat at the edge of my bed and took hold of my hand. "Dammit Raven, you're freezing", he said frowning as he tried to warm it up with his own by rubbing it. "I'm always freezing", I mumbled looking back to the window.

I felt his hand guide my face until my eyes met his. For once since everything happened I took a real look at my twin brother. We both have brown hair and our eyes were very similar as well. The only difference is that I was sure his hair was darker than mine. We even were both naturalist wolves, Ryant just never uses his abilities, but on the rare occasion he does it's with more elements than I can control. Earth, water, and air.

I could now see the deep bags under his eyes and how tired and worn out he looked. It wasn't energy drained, it was emotionally and mentally drained. He looked practically dead. Was he okay? "You look like death", I said as I felt his forehead with a concentrated pout which caused him to chuckle slightly.

"I'm fine Raven, I've just been really worried about you. We're all very worried about you. You've been on a rampage for weeks but I'm afraid you haven't let yourself fully heal emotionally", he said searching my eyes.

"I'm fine", I said in a monotone voice.

"Bullshit. Raven I'm your twin, you can't lie to me. Its been three months and all you do is either stay by yourself, or go out and cause hell and discontent. You barely talk to mom, dad, me, or Mason. Hell, even Alice hasn't seen you for awhile. I know what happened hurt and if I could take that pain from you I would in a heart beat. But at some point you have to move on", Ryant said with a caring yet strong voice.

He's gonna make such a good Alpha when we're older. "To move on I need to get stronger. I can't be weak", I told him. "You're not-", he began before I cut him off.

"I was weak enough to think Gavin actually wanted me. I was weak enough to not ask why he hadn't formally accepted me after two months. I was weak enough to think him and Christina were just friends. I was weak enough not to care that Gavin was hanging out with the girl who bullied me. I was weak enough not to fight back. I was weak Ryant. I have all this Alpha blood in me and it just sits there. It sits there because I'm too weak and scared to rise to my full potential. So I'm becoming stronger. I've been training hard in combat, in my attitude. Even with my naturalist abilities, watch", I said.

I held out my hand and focus on that hidden energy inside of me. I imagine it as a small ball of energy that expands when I use my abilities. I smiled as a flame came to life right in the palm of my hand. It was small and flickering at first but with a bit more concentration it grew to be as big as my hand. Ryant stared wide eyed at my hand and smiled. "That's amazing Raven", he smiled proudly at me.

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