Chapter Two (Edited)

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Almost 50 reads on the first chapter!?!?! You guys are so amazing!!!

Grayson on the side.


When I woke up I noticed that I was in my room again. It seemed to have grown dark and the only source of light in my room was from the lamp on my nightstand and the lamp on my desk across the room. I looked around until I noticed I wasn't the only one on my room.

Grayson had pulled my desk chair to the side of my bed and was twirling around some necklace with one hand as the other held my own next to my head. I then looked closer at the necklace and instantly recognized it as the locket he gave me when we were little. It was a vintage looking pocket watch necklace with a beautiful intricate swirling pattern on it. He gave it to me when we were ten I believe and I had never left without it. 

That is until Gavin, Gavin would say he didn't like it because it looked horrible. But I always thought he was jealous because of the message on the back.

"No matter how far you fly... you'll always be my little raven bird.

Love, your Gray.

Of course now I know you can't be jealous when you feel nothing for that person. But it was nice to think he could feel that kind of thing for me. 

"I use to wear that all the time, never left the house without it", I said softly. His eyes snapped to mine and went from alert to soft. "What happened", he asked looking back to the locket. "Gavin happened", I said watching as the locket swung softly as Grayson held it by the chain. "He really broke you huh", he asked as his eyes met mine. 

I held in the shiver of giddiness as the sparks between our hands grew slightly stronger. "Yeah. But like Captain Hook says, if its broke that means that it can be fixed", I said with a small smile. "Who", Grayson asked confused. I laughed lightly. "No one. How long was I out", I said changing the topic.

"Seven hours. But the pack doctor said you passed out from exhaustion and stress and would be fine. The others are downstairs", he explained. "Let's go join them then. I have a huge feeling Ryant and Alice are worried sick", I said. I got up and noticed I was wearing different clothes. I now wore black  pajama shorts and one of my dad's old long sleeve shirts.. "Don't worry, Alice changed you", Grayson said, he must've sensed my confusion. 

He helped me out the bed and never let my hand go as we walked down the hall and down the stairs. I don't even think I could take my hand out if his, he had a vice grip on it but it didn't hurt. It was... comforting.

"There she is", said Ryant who was the first to see us come down. He quickly got out the arm chair and pulled me into a hug. "Hey Ry", I said as Grayson let go of my hand letting he hug my twin back. 

"I was so worried about you. Don't ever scare me like that again, you hear me", he said squeezing me against him. He let me go and I saluted goofily, "Got it". 

Suddenly I was practically tackled by a blur of red hair. "I will kill you next time you try anything like that. Who in the hell is going to deal with me if you're gone, huh", Alice exclaimed as she held me close. I held her tight as I laughed. She had a point, I am the only one who usually goes along with her schemes and adventures. Usually it ends up with us getting in trouble but sometimes it ends as another hilarious story that we hide from our parents. 

 She's pretty much the Ferris Bueller to my Cameron Frye.

Suddenly her words registered and I realized a sad truth. Since I can't fight the fact that Grayson is in fact my mate, I'll have to leave with him to his pack. Which means I wouldn't be able to see Alice. She looked at me like she was thinking and then gasped as if a light bulb had switched on in her head. "I want you to meet my mate Raven. This is Lucifer, you remember him right? He's Grayson's beta", she smiled as she showed me to the man sitting on a love seat he was most likely previously sharing with her.

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