Chapter Nine (Edited)

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I was woken out of my sleep by the feel of sparks as a thumb brushed my cheek softly. "We're halfway there but we stopped to use the bathroom and change drivers", said Grayson's voice gently, but his thumb never stopped. I opened my eyes to be met with the adoring eyes of Grayson. I nodded my head sleepily and unbuckled myself before getting out the car and closing the door behind me. I yawned and stretched as Grayson chuckled. "You're pretty cute when you're tired".

I simply rolled my eyes as we both walked into the gas station. The man at the front sat on a chair reading a car magazine and Lucifer was in the middle of an isle gathering up a few snacks.

And by few I mean the whole damn isle.

I walked straight for the bathroom where Alice was fixing her hair in the mirror. "Good morning sunshine", she smirked. She knew damn well I wasn't in the best mood when woken up, just like her.

"How long was I out? I don't even remember falling asleep", I asked walking into a stall. "Maybe like an hour and a half. We've got 2 hours to go since the pack is 4 hours away", she explained. "So close yet so far", I sigh. "Dont worry, it will probably go by quickly. Especially if you go back to sleep. See ya back in the car", she said before I heard the bathroom door open and close. I took care of my business and flushed before leaving the stall. I was washing my hands at the sink when I heard the door open. "What did you forget Al", I asked with a tiny smirk.

"It's not what I forgot, it's what I came for", said a smooth deep voice.

I looked up into the mirror to see Grayson looking back at me with his blue eyes darker than usual. A lustful smirk gracing his face.

"Grayson what the hell are you doing in here?! You know you can't be in the girl's bathroom", I said turning around. "Some rules are made to be broken", he said walking towards me. Right as I was about to take step back to get some distance between us, he grabbed my arm yanking me towards him and turning me around at the same time. My heart was beating like crazy as I stood frozen while Grayson ran his hands up and down my sides under my hoodie, setting my skin on fire and freezing it at the same time. His hard chest was right against my back, I could feel the heat of his body rolling off of him in waves.

"God damn, you have got to be the most beautiful thing to grace this planet. Even your scent drives me fucking crazy", he said lowly as he moved my hair over the left side of my shoulder. He brought his head down and I watch through the mirror as he inhaled my scent and sighs in satisfaction. "Grayson you should stop", I said with a shudder.  "Now honestly little Raven bird, do you really want me to stop", he said huskily before leaving an opened mouth kiss right where my shoulder and neck meet.

I bit my lip to keep from sighing in delight at the feel of his lips on my skin. He looks at me through the mirror with a knowing smirk before continuing. Leaving kisses all over my neck and shoulder. He went to go further but my hoodie stopped him from doing so. "Damn fucking hoodie", he mumbled as he slowly lifted it up as if to take it off. My eyes widened and I quickly moved away from him and towards the far left wall.

"Grayson you gotta stop. We have to get back on the road", I said watching his every move. My eyes trailed from his dark blue eyes down to his chest covered by a white shirt and a jean jacket over the shirt. Then my eyes moved to the ever growing bul-

Okay! That's enough of that!

"You know regular wolves are known to love the thrill of the chase", he said slowly stalking towards me. It was like I was his prey, just terrified and waiting to be devoured by him.

"I'd like to think that I'm no different", he smirked. His eyes bore into mine and it was like I was frozen. His blue eyes were dragging me towards their inner depths. Before I could shake my head of his hypnotic eyes he already had me pinned to the wall with him holding my hands above my head against the wall.

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