Chapter Eight (Edited)

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"What key do you want to press first Raven", my dad asked softly. My chubby little fingers landed on the lowest key and my eyes widened at the deep sound it gave. "Good job", my mom cheered softly. "Won't the noise wake up Ry", I asked looking at my parents.

"No Ryant seems to be a heavy sleeper like your father, he'll be fine", my mom giggled. I spent the next hour or two sitting upon my father's lap, watching as he and my mom took turns playing on the piano and taught me the simple parts of some of the songs that they knew. After awhile Ryant did wake up and he joined us as we all sat at the piano and played until it was lunch time.

I'll never forget how happy and peaceful I was that day. How the notes played on the piano soothed me. How excited I was when my father offered to teach me how to play on his free time. It was the best memory I had of the music room.

I sat at the piano in the music room as the light of the sunrise shined in through the window. I had spent the last hour or two playing because I couldn't sleep. Today was Friday. Today I'd be leaving the pack, leaving my family.

I know it's not bad. It's not like I'm being forced to leave or that I'm moving across the world but it still hurt. This was my home for almost 18 years. I can remember who lives in every house. Which room belongs to who in the pack house. I can memorize almost every tree within the pack grounds.

With a sigh and got up from the piano and left the music room. I followed the noise of people down to the kitchen. Since it was still early not a lot of people were up. But a few people did sit around the dining room table. The first thing I noticed though was Lucifer and and Grayson sitting at the island counter while eating bowls of Captain Crunch Berries. I couldn't help the bright smile that appeared when I looked at Grayson.

No matter how homesick I'd be when we left I would never regret leaving with him. Plus it wasn't like I would be alone, I'd have Alice as well.

"Morning beautiful", came Grayson's voice as he smiled at me. I smiled back and walked towards him. He pulled me tight against the side of his body and gave me a small kiss on my forehead.

"Are you all packed, we might leave a little early to make it back on time", he asked looking into my eyes. I nodded and tried to give a smile but I could tell he saw right through it.

"Well if we're leaving early I should go ahead and wake Alice up", said Lucifer. "Be careful, she gets extra cranky when woken up early", I smirked. "How cranky", Lucifer asked raising an eyebrow. "The last time someone woke her up it was Mason and lets just say we still don't know if he can have children. You're her mate though, so maybe she'll go easy on you", I shrugged.

Lucifer blew out a big breath as if to ready himself and left to go wake up his mate.

Once Lucifer was gone Grayson was quick to pull my right leg over his legs and pick me up so I was straddling him. "Grayson", I exclaimed while my cheeks turned fire red and I looked around to make sure no one was really paying attention. Sure enough all the early birds had moved out of the kitchen.

"What", he asked trying to sound innocent.

"This is highly inappropriate", I whispered.

"I'm a highly inappropriate person", he smirked, wiggling his eyebrow.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. "Stop pouting and just tell me why you're upset", he said. "I'm not upset", I said looking away from him. "Liar. Come on Raven, just tell me. I can't make you feel better unless I know the problem", he sighed taking my chin between his hooked finger and thumb. I looked up into his blue eyes that shined with a tinge of worry and blew out a breath. "Just dreading the home sickness. I know I haven't been the happiest here the last few months but I'm still going to miss this place. It's still home to me", I said looking away. Grayson pulled me to his chest and lay my head against his shoulder so my face was right in the crook of his neck.

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