One: New Beginnings

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Beware of the Dark One,

He comes by at night.

To entice you to leave,

on All Hallow's Eve.

He'll trick and seduce you,

To do what he wants.

And next thing you know,

He will own your soul.

You'll live to please him,

No other will do.

It's like an obsession,

you are no longer you.

Beware of the Dark One,

Who watches in the night.

For when he takes you away to his domain,

you will be gone, nothing shall remain.

He is Byt tvame. 


Chapter 1: New Beginnings

Addie's POV

"We are now landing in Toronto, Canada. We hope you have enjoyed Southwest Airlines, and please have a nice day." I turned away from the woman speaking into the microphone and sighed, looking out the window.

I tensed as I felt someone squeeze my shoulder. I relaxed as I swung away from the view of the runway to find my brother, Aaron, observing me intensely. When he saw my face, he smiled slightly. I grabbed his hand in mine, squeezing gently.

You ready for this? I asked, sending the thought towards him.

As ready as I'll ever be, he snorted derisively. This time I was the one who smiled. I rose swiftly and grabbed our bags from under our seats. We don't usually bring a lot of stuff with us when we traveled, it didn't really help us in the long run. As we were walking out of the airplane, I saw one of the younger flight attendants looked at Aaron, with obvious lust in her eyes. I cleared my throat rudely, grabbing her attention.

She obviously didn't appreciate my interruption. Judging by the look on her face, if looks could kill, then I'd already be dead. I just rolled my eyes and walked out, into the busy airport, with Aaron following rapidly behind. I started to look around as began flirting with a staff member at the information desk.

I sniffed the air, looking for a familiar scent, when I suddenly caught it. There! my wolf shouted in my head. I looked to where she pointed. James was standing there, looking around and shuffling his feet awkwardly. I elbowed Aaron in the ribs to get his attention. When I turned to look at him, he had his eyebrows arched arrogantly. "Hmm?" I pointed over at James, only to see him walking towards us. Jamie hasn't changed a bit. I thought ironically. Even when we were younger he'd be bouncing off the walls with unspent energy. 

Stop! Aaron shouted through our mind link. He must have caught the stray thought. Gee, ya think? Aaron laughed humorlessly. I grabbed his hand rather roughly and began to pull him towards our brother, who started to falter on his way to us. He must see your face, I threw the thought at Aaron. So? He thought right back. BEHAVE. I scolded him. He startightened out his face, but it was still impassive. Even the mischief in his eyes was quelled.

This reunion is going to be fun... Not.


"So, are you guys excited to go to school tomorrow?" James asked to dispel the awkwardness in the car.

 "Umm... Kind of." I responded. "How do you like Beylix High, Jamie?" The nickname came out by accident, but I saw him glance up in the rearview mirror and smile. 

"It's really cool. You know, education wise."

"How about student wise?" Aaron interrupted. I looked at him, to see him looking at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Umm... they're okay. I guess. Why?" James asked after a moment's hesitation.

"Because Addie can't handle emotional stress. It disrupts the blocks on her mind." He suddenly swerved on the road and mumbled a tirade of curses. 

"Why does she have blocks on her mind? What are they used for?" Before Aaron could get into his own tirade, I jumped in to give it to Jamie in layman's terms. 

"Well, for starters, Mom was Faerie before she was turned by Dad. Since they were mates and all."

"What does that have to do with---"

"I'm getting there! I'm getting there! Anyway, she wasn't a average faerie. She was Fey. Dark Fey." His eyes widened and I nodded my head. "Yepp. Somehow, out of the three of us, I received that end of the gene pool." He just stared at me. I knew what he was doing. He was taking in my appearence, trying to see if I was telling the truth or not. I already knew what he saw as well. I had platinum blonde hair, that looked almost white in a certain light; gray eyes that are getting lighter and more glossy, due to blocks weakening; my plump, ruby red lips that are an odd occurence due to my pale complexion; and my high cheekbones, lending me an overall elven appearence. 

"I don't really see the resemblence," he said after awhile. "Are you sure that you have your facts straight?" He asked, this time looking at Aaron. Aaron just laughed sardonically.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure since she has momentary lapses in judgement, her eyes are starting to change, and her scent morphs as well." Momentary lapses in judgement? What the hell Aaron? I snapped. 

 "What do you mean?"Jamie asked, looking worriedly at me. I felt my cheeks redden slightly.

Aaron rubbed his hands down his face tiredly. I put my head down, ashamed that I was the one who put it on his face. Then I felt his hand squeeze mine in support. "Well, you see, when the magic is too much and one of the walls break, she becomes drunk on power. Since the dark influence is so powerful, she isn't able to tell right from wrong. Not to mention her nightly visits." He mumbled the last part. But, with our advanced hearing, Jamie and I heard him perfectly. 

"What nightly visits?"

"We're not entirely sure. But, we do know that this person is recurring in her dreams way to much for either of our comforts." I shivered just as Jamie growled menacingly. 

Oh yeah, and did I mention that we were werewolves?

You'll find out more about who Ian Somerhalder plays as and why.... Just be patient!

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