Nine: What The F**king Hell?!

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Nine: What The F**king Hell?!

Adonis’s POV

“Last night was the worst night of my life,” I sighed to myself. Looking in the mirror, I stared at the dark bags under my eyes, and my mussed up hair. My greenish-grayish eyes looked uncharacteristically dull and the rest of my facial expression looked miserable. Not to mention the leaking bandage on my left arm. But, I didn’t pay it much attention. For the nightmare I had was still fresher than fresh in my mind.

~*Last Night*~

I tossed and turned, unable to rest. It was too cold in my room, so opened a window to let the heated air in, after all, it was the end of summer and the warm weather refused to vacate just yet. Then my room felt too muggy. So, I got up, walked into my bathroom, and searched through my cabinet for something that would aid me in my quest for sleep.

Finally, I thought. I grabbed the prescription tablets and swallowed them dry. After watching tv for an hour, I began to feel the effects of the pills taking me over. Right before I collapsed onto my bed, I thought of my mate’s beautiful smile, and how I’d have to make up for my atrocious behavior earlier that day. Then, darkness took over.

...-The Dream-...

I cracked open one eye groggily and sat up... on the floor. At that I glanced at my surroundings, and realized I was not in my room. Hell, I thought, I’m not even in the pack house! I was in a bedroom of some sorts. As I was familiarizing myself with this new environment, a moan and a plea caught my attention.

“Ohh, no. Not again...” a girl moaned out. It was pretty hot, if I thought so myself. But, something about the girl’s voice was stirring the ashes of a faint memory I had. My gaze slid to the man after he said something to the girl that was too low, even for my wolf ears to pick up on.

“Oh Goddddd........Please. Let me come.” Wait, it can’t be. I crawled closer to the girl, to get a better look at her face. NO. It can’t--- but it IS! It’s my mate. Addie!

This time when the man said something, I was close enough to hear. “You know what needs to be said.” What the hell?! my wolf snarled in my mind. What needs to be said, is that if he doesn’t stop touching my mate, I will rip every inch of his body to shreds. I had to take deep breaths and count backwards from one hundred, until I could listen and understand what’s going on right now. Because I don’t think this is a dream. It’s not, my wolf explained to me. Since our mate was the last thing you thought of before you went to sleep, I believe we’re tapping into her dream.

As I was about to ask my wolf, Eli, another question, he suddenly barked at me to shut up. So, I did. What happened next shocked me beyond belief. “Is your wolf giving you trouble poppet? the man asked silkily. At my mate’s nod, the man grasped her throat roughly, and looked her deep in the eyes. I know you're in there you mangy mutt,” he snarled. When my mate’s eyes changed color, that let me know that her wolf had come out.

“Yes, I am here! What do you want, you filthy piece of shi---” She never got to finish that sentence because the man had squeezed her throat to choke her. Eli whimpered at the mistreatment of his wolf mate, but stayed silent to observe the scene.

“You better learn who you are speaking to Amani. Because sooner rather than later, your human will be mine, and I will bind you. And when you’re in Hell, say hello to that bastard of your mate, Eli, because I assure you, you’ll see him there.” At the last part of that statement, he looked directly at me, before he grinned evilly.

“If I go to Hell, I’ll be dragging you wi---” Amani, Addie’s wolf began to fight for control of Addie’s body, to keep Addie safe. It looked like she was succeeding, until the man began to finger fuck Addie’s body rougher than he had a few minutes ago. This distracted Amani long enough for  Addie to gain the upper hand. NO!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2012 ⏰

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