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Haley's pov.

When it was time to go to bed. I decided to stay up and guard just incase we get over runned (yea, I don't think that's a word but it works and sounds right.). I go over to the picnic table that we had at camp and sat I sat on it looking in directions where I heard noises.

My head quickly turns towards the tents when I hear a tent unzip and see someone come out.

"Hey, you still up?" he asked.

"Yea, I'm still up ,Glenn."

"Do you want to go to bed? I'll stand guard." He asks.

"No, it's fine you can go back to sleep." I tell him.

"No, I'll just sit out here and keep you company." He tells me sitting next to me on the picnic table.

"Ummm.... ok. Thank you." I tell. Awe he's sweet too.

"So, how do you think of the camp so far?" he asks me.

"Ummm.... pretty good considering we've only been here for a couple of hours. How do you think of the camp?"

"Umm... I guess the same as you."

I laugh I little and say

"Yea..." It was silent so i said,

"Well this is getting awkward." We both start laughing quiet enough to make sure no one wakes up.

When we stop laughing it gets even more quiet and then we hear rustles in the bushes. We get off of the picnic table and we go over to the bush. I raise my knife up and see two men. One with a crossbow and another one with a rifle. They point their weapons at us.

"Who're you?" The one with the crossbow asks.

"I could ask ya the same thing. But since you asked first. I'm Haley and this is Glenn. Now, who are you?"

"I'm Daryl and this is Merle." Daryl says hand gesturing towards Merle.

"What are you doing here?" Glenn asks.

"Ummm.... I don't know." Merle says chuckling.

"Umm... ok... well if you guys help us guard. We'll see if everyone else wants ya in the group. Ok?" Glenn says going to the picnic table and sits on it. I follow him and Daryl and Merle decide to stand.

After a little while of guarding I get distracted by the sunrise. I watch it. I see Glenn was watching it too, so I sit closer to him and say,

"Isn't it the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?"

"Yea but I've seen more beautiful things in my life." He says looking at me.

"Oh yea? Like what?" I say. He starts to act nervous and says,

"Um.... ummm... stuff and people and things. I can't tell you about...."

"And why can't you?" I ask him totally confused.

"Cuz they're hard to explain." He lies, but I guess I won't know what's more beautiful then the sunrise.

"Ok... I guess that's reasonable." I tell him looking over at the tents seeing them unzip at the same time. I see Shane and carol with Carl and Sofia come out of the tents. I guess Lori and Ed are sleeping still... oh, well.

"G'morning, guys." I say giving them hugs and then after that they look at Daryl and Merle.

Shane says,

"Who are you guys?" I quickly say,

"That's Daryl and Merle, we found them last night snoopin' around. Glenn told them they could stay and we'd see what everyone else thought." I told Shane.

"Ok, well I guess it's fine with me." He says back giving his say in the vote.

"Ok, well, that's three votes for you guys to stay." Glenn says.

"Make that four." Carol says giving her vote.

"Ok well I guess you guys are in the group." I say cheerfully.

"You guys can go to sleep if you want." Glenn says and I tell them that,

"Yea you guys can sleep in our tent first let me wake up my mom and you guys and sleep in there." I walk off to wake up my mom.

"Mom, wake up. We have new guys in our group and try need a place to sleep." I tell her and she mumbles,

"Five more minutes."

"No, now." I order and I see her get up glaring at me I start running.

She zips the tent and starts to run after me.

"Mommy!! Don't hurt me." I say like a child and she chased me all the why to the pond and she pushes me in.

I hear laughing and I see Glenn, Shane, Carl and Sophia all jumping in and laughing.

From a distance, I see Daryl smiling and walk away with his brother. They go in my mom, Glenn and my tent. they're out of distance and then I feel someone feel someone pick me up. It's Shane. And then I see Glenn who had Carl and then they screamed

"CHICKEN FIGHT!!!!" and then, since it was Carl I have up and me and Shane lost almost everytime. That was fun.

We get out and we see Lori cooking. This was a good morning.


Hi... sorry for not updating in a while. But anyway, aweeee there was a Halenn moment. Haha... I don't know what they're ship name should be, like there could be a lot but yea... I would appreciate if ya guys would come up with some ship names for Haley and Glenn and the best one will be the ship name but if I don't get anything like comments about it. I'll just keep Halenn as the official ship name. Thanks for reading. Bye bye.

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