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Haley's pov.

I wake up in a hospital bed. I get up and walk into the hall. Yes, the guy who kept me left. It's been a couple of rough months.

After a couple of minutes I heard a faint cry for help. I follow the sound and it was in this room with a bed in front if it.

"Hello? Hello, anyone there?"

"Hello, help." I hear I guy I move the the bed and walk in. I see a guy laying on the floor. I help him up and then he pushes me out of the way and runs to the sink.

He sticks his head under the faucet and he drinks some water.

"Hello?.... W-who are you?" I ask.

He still drinks and then After he says,

"I'm Rick Grimes, and you are?" he asks me back.

"I'm.... I am..... I don't remember who I am." I say cluelessly. Who am I? I ask myself over and over. I can't think. Should I even think about who I am?

"Oh ok. Ummmm.... how about I call you "No Name" for now?" he asks if that's alright.

"Yea, No Name. I like it." I say as I giggle slightly.

"Ok. No Name lets get out of this room." He says.

We walk out of the room and see a destroyed hall way with wires and intestines hung up everywhere. Gross. I think to myself.

What the- what happened.

"Rick? Do you know what happened?"

"No, I just woke up like you." He says. Ohhhhh.... that's right.

"I knew that... ha ha." I say with for some reason a nervous laugh.

"Ok, sure. We need to get outta here." He says going up to a door that said,


Then we hear growls and then see fingers trying to open the door. As time went on it got louder.

I see a door That had 'exit'.

"Rick, lets go this way." I say going into the room. When Rick followed and shut the door. It was pitch black.

"Rick, do you still have those matches you picked up by the phone?"

"Yea." He says taking them out of his pocket and tries to light a match.

When he finally got one lite. He started to go down the stairs.

"I found the exit door ...c'mon." He says opening the door. When he did the brightness literally blow us away.

I squint my eyes a lightly. The brightness still burnin' up my eyes.

When our eyes got sorta use to the sunlight. We saw a lot of dead bodies. Or we thought they were dead.

One of the bodies grabbed my boot. My first instinct was to stomp on the foot. I stare at it. 

"Ummm.... No name. Hey no name you ok?" Rick asks me wavin his hand in front of my face.  

"Uh yea lets go." We start to head out  of the gates next thang I knew he was run in'.  I start to run after him and after a couple of blocks he gradually stopped at a house.  The door was wide open. 

We walk in the house and it seemed to be half-Empty.   

He stands there an looks around and starts to yell to names "Carl" and "Lori."  

"Rick. Rick. Calm down. Calm down" I pat him slightly back tryin' to calm him down. 

He stops for a little bit then walks out of the house. When I follow he says,

"They're alive." He says and keeps walking until unexpectedly he collapses.  

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