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Haley's pov. 

"Lori? What do you mean?" I repeated. 

"Umm... Nevermind. I was thinking out loud." She tells me obviously lying.  I wonde why this group is actin' weird around me. I see Rick so I go up to him. But, first I say by to Lori. 

" Hey, Rick. I got to ask you somethang." I tell him. 

"Oh ok. Well what is it?" He questions. 

"Does this group seem a little odd? I mean, Glenn and Lori both have almost called me Haley I think and Shane and Daryl have been weird. I haven't necessarily talked to them but they look scared ish or confuse everytime I made little eye contact. I just don't know what it is?" 

He looks at me and that's when I knew I was missing part of the story. 

"What is it Rick?" I ask. 

"I haven't notice them being weird, that's all." He says. I may not have known Rick that long but I can tell when he's lying. 

"Rick tell me the truth." I demand. 

He starts to say unsurly, "Umm... I have heard that uh, you got kidnapped and when you found me in the hospital. You don't remember anythang but before you were kidnapped you were part of this group. You first started out with Glenn and your mom. Then you guys found  Shane, Lori and Carl. You also found Merle and Daryl. Plus, Andrea, Amy and Dale. Your mom died a little after you were kidnapped." I stare at Rick flabbergasted. This can't be true. Well, actually it can but I don't thank I want it to be true. 

"Rick, how did you find that information?" I question. 

"Glenn and Lori explained it all to me earlier." He says looking down. 

"Oh, ok. Do you think I should talk to them. So they can try to help me or should I let it be."  

"I honestly think you should talk to them."  He tells me. We hear Lori telling Ricks name and I go off lookin for Glenn. I walk around and see dale. Ahh... Maybe he'll know where Glenn is at 

"Hey, dale. " I call.  "Have you since Glenn?"

He looks at me and says,

"Yea, he went over there by the pond." He points down the driveway thang. 

"Ok. Thanks Dale." I give him a slight wave and start walking towards the pond. 

"Hey...Glenn. I have a question." 

"Yea what is it?"  He asks looking behind him. 

"Is it true? Is it true that my name is Haley and I use to be part of this group before I got kidnapped. " 

"Yea. Yes, it is true. We didn't know what happened you went down heard and you saw Andrea and Amy in a boat and that's the last time we even heard from you." He says taking off his shirt. "You want to go for a swim?" He asks jumping into the water. I laugh at him and I follow him. I start to splash him. He starts to laugh and says,

"Haha, ya know this reminds me of the day you got kidnapped." I give him a confused look and he continues sayin' " we did this all of us playin', laugin' and stuff like that." 

"Glenn, thank you. The more you tell me the more I think I can remember." 

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