Chapter 3-JEWELS

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  My heart was thumping with adrenaline as I waited to get my jewel. It wasn't every day that you'd obtain a priceless jewel. When I finally grouped with the crowd, the announcer took out a brown sack from underneath his suit. The sack was small, similar to a pouch. It must be that the jewels were small or that the jewel appears out of thin air. It was neither of these.

The announcer walked in a zigzag, trying to find out who was the oldest of the participants. After going back and forth a few more times, he went up to Yani. Yani didn't look surprised whatsoever. Yet, she seemed to shake as she reached out to touch the pouch. The announcer took her hand into his, flipped it so her palm was showing, and gently put the pouch into her hand. The pouch didn't change color, yet seemed to radiate a gentle purple. Then, the announcer beckoned Yani to use her other hand and reach into the pouch.

She nodded and did so. As she reached in, I noticed that an image similar to a flower blooming- appeared on the right side of her face. I blinked, rubbed my eyes, and looked back to see that it had disappeared. It was like an illusion of some sort. Around me, people gasped while looking at what was inside Yani's hand. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the color purple with a hint of yellow-brown.

I focused my attention to the dull colored jewel inside of her hand

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I focused my attention to the dull colored jewel inside of her hand. I was no jewel expert, so I couldn't guess what it was. Someone ,within the audience of on-lookers, called out, "That's an ametrine gemstone!" Everyone in the crowd tried to locate where the voice came from. When they found their target, they pushed the person to the front. The person was short, with graying hairs all around. His clothes were ragged and covered in dirt spots. I recall him being one of the miners that lived near the cave.

He seemed to like the attention that he was getting and stood up as straight as he could be. The announcer, surprised from the interruption, looked the man from head to toe. After a moment, the announcer asked if the miner wouldn't mind naming the jewels that came from the pouch. The miner smiled and humbly accepted the announcer's offer.

The announcer then continued his journey to find the next person to obtain a jewel. He went back and forth from the crowd, and after around 7 people, stopped in front of Kasen. She held her hand out, palm up and waited for the announcer to place the jewel. He put the pouch atop her palm, as he did with the others. The pouch glowed white. As everyone was fixed on the pouch, I noticed that the palm that held the pouch had an image, like a butterfly, and vanished as quickly as it appeared. I then looked back at the pouch that had stopped glowing. Instead, I looked at Kasen's other hand. It was a white stone that seemed to have no faults.

 It was a white stone that seemed to have no faults

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