Chapter 6- PREEVENT [2]

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Run. There was no other better option. My parents were quite harsh on those that don't work, and I was one of them. I decided against running away immediately since the space was too tight for me to maneuver around. I sagged my shoulders in fake defeat and that was it. My parents were half yelling across the shop for me to help them and all that good stuff. I kept my guard up, however, because there was a possibility that someone would grab me when I bolted.

Felix, satisfied with his work, left to work the customers who were waiting impatient for customer service. I waited for him to actually get into a deep conversation with a customer that needed help fixing something. I waited for the right time to run. My parents were losing steam in yelling me off and going to give me my chore.

I hesitated for a moment, wondering if it was right to flee rather than work. Oh well, no time to think of it now I thought and bolted before they actually said my job for the day. I twisted and turned like a pretzel to dodge the customers that were like dominoes, knock one down and everything follows. But, before I got to the exit, someone grabbed me on my right wrist. In my peripheral vision, I saw blond hair. 

Oh god. It wasn't Erwin, was it? My choices eliminated to three: 1)continue my original plan and flee, 2) get a harsh scolding from my parents, or 3)use the person who has my wrist as my excuse to talk to. 1 meant that I had to run with all my might from my  and get chased down by said person.

Problem with 1 is that I have to break free and run as fast as I can. Problem with 2 is that I have to watch over the shop. And 3 is just a lame excuse. In the end, all I have is option 1 and 2. I chose to go with the former, since it has a higher rate of not being caught.

I looked at whoever has my wrist, only to see that he was studying the bracelet that Mabuz left me. His hair was blonde, yet graying at the top. His outfit reminded me of the Announcer during the Announcements, only a shade of gray and a bland tie to match. He seemed interested in my bracelet that he seemed to forget he was holding someone's wrist captive. I coughed, trying to get his attention. He snapped out of his daze and looked at me. His eyes were a shade of hazel with a kind smile on his features. Yet, his eyes were hollow, empty even, as if he has given up on life.

"My apologies," he mustered, his voice rough as if he hasn't spoken for quite a while. Behind us, my parents were yelling once more, noticing my disappearance. They spotted us, and came to our direction.

I was about to bolt when the old man's rough hand left my wrist, only for it to land on my shoulder. He held me in place, making sure that I won't disappear. I did everything I could in order to be off, but his hand didn't budge. By the time my parents actually got to us, I was beat and resolved to do nothing.

They looked at me first, ignoring the old man. I half-listened to them, wondering if they will punish me later. The old man made a shallow scoff, one that made my parents turn to him. Their eyes looked at him in anger, then surprise. My parents started to speak in a formal tone with the old man, where as I was still being held back by said man. I listened the old man's exchange with my parents with no interest.

I tried to leave once more, only to be held back by the old man. In defeat, I waited for their conversation to end, while watching the customers come in and out, slowly yet steadily, since Felix was the only worker working.

He looked over at the weird combination once in awhile, yet he was silent. I wondered why everyone is being more... polite than usual. By this time of the day, there is at least a angry customer for the lack of attention. As the customers walked by the small group we formed right beside the door, their attitude changed. For example, one person came in, fists raised, ready for a fight, and one look in our direction got the fists down. He sheepishly smiled and went ahead to Felix's station.  

After a while, the conversation seemed to diminish and lose light. Then, silence came. I glanced over at my parents, who seemed to be in shock, then to the old man, who's facial expression was solemn. I just looked between the two parties in bewilderment. What did they talk about that could make my parents forget to use words? And who was this old man who's hand is clinging to my shoulder as if it was the last shred of hope he has left?

Questions danced in my head, yet I wouldn't know the answers until much later...


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