Chapter 4- END & AFTER PARTY?

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P.S.- There was a mistype from the last chapter that said two years ago. I meant it to say two Announcements ago! My bad /(~_~)/  


"I understand that it's been a long time since we've seen a bloodstone, two Announcements ago in fact. The bearer is special as well to have gotten a bloodstone," he shifts his attention to me, "which foreshadows responsibility." He turned back to the audience, spreading his arms, and spoke in a voice of relief, "This year's Announcement has finished. The following young adults in front of you will then be able to see their String as well as their task for the first time." The crowd clapped, making a pitter-patter of hands hitting each other. Inside my heart, I felt a sense of foreboding.

The smell of food enticed my nose. It was a mixture of bread and something sweet. I continued to sniff the air for that sweet aroma. "Ok, we're almost there Cenon. Just keep that blindfold on alright?" A voice spoke from behind me. It was muscular and soft. Immediately I knew that it was Felix that said it.

"Hey! Don't come in yet!" A harsh voice came from in front of me. I knew that voice, which belonged to my strict friend Yani. Her voice was harsh, yet didn't carry a hint of anger, more like surprise or excitement.

I could tell that they were preparing a surprise party, just from the rustling of feet and hushed voices.

Right after the Announcements finished, Erwin pulled me aside from the rushing crowd of adolescents wanting to tell their family members their new possession. I was still in a daze of what Mabuz tried to convey when Erwin started to talk in haste.

"... And that's why you have to wear this," he finished and shoved a dark cloth underneath my nose. Snapping back into reality, I looked up to see a wicked grin on his face. There was something he was hiding, something that I shouldn't know until it happens. His eyes seemed to register the suspicion that showed by my lip biting habits, and his face softened.

"It's nothing dangerous, I assure you."

"How positive are you?" I questioned, still suspicious of his motives.

"Just trust me ok?"

"Last time you said that I got in trouble and Yani had to punish me by making me read scores of music, which you know I hate!" I rebuked, annoyed of that event.

He laughed and said," Yeah, you should've seen her face when you took her baton and hid it in the shop!"

"That wasn't funny, you said that it was something of Felix's that he wanted me to have and store it safely. I did so and you sold me out to Yani!" I complained.

"Well, it was true that Felix did want you to have it and store it safely," he grinned.

I sighed and looked at the blindfold, "Do you want me to wear that?"



"Can't say."

"Why can't you tell me?"

"Because I'm under strict orders," he imitated a salute. I felt a lightbulb go off, this was a surprise party that I couldn't know about because it's my surprise party. I smiled a little and reached out for the blindfold. Erwin stopped my hand as I lifted it and smiled, "I'll put it on. Turn around." I did as he asked, turning to face the leftover audience of the Announcements. There were a few families here and there while most were starting to leave. I scanned the area for Yani, Felix, or Yasen who disappeared after the end of the Announcements. Slowly, my vision became a void of darkness, where not a single beam of light could penetrate. I clenched my hands into balls, only to feel the cool touch of the bloodstone in my hand. It pinched my palm, almost drawing blood. 'Heh, that's probably why its called a bloodstone' I thought ironically. I decided to keep the stone in my right hand rather than put it somewhere else.

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