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The old man's grip on my shoulder didn't loosen, instead it became tighter. In a low, rough voice, he said, "All participants of the Event are to prepare." My parents looked at each other, uncertainty in their eyes. My dad shook his head at my mom, who responded solemnly, "We understand."

The old man made an attempt to smile, which distorted his callous features. He looked at me and Felix, who was taking a break from the customers. Weirdly enough, the amount of customers decreased tremendously, leaving only my parents, the old man, Felix, and myself. Suddenly, I had the feeling to start packing. I tried to shake the feeling off, which only made it grow stronger. I looked over at Felix to see him going up the stairs, his silver eyes dull, similar to the old man's eyes.

I scoff broke me from my thoughts. I shifted my attention to the old man, who stared at me intently. His lips moved, but they didn't make a sound. I felt like I was doing something wrong, and awkwardly made my way to the stairs and up to my room. In my peripheral vision, the old man was still staring at me, while my parents were hugging each other, as if they were going to lose each other. Shrugging, I continued my ascent.

When I arrived on the second floor, rustlings and thuds resounded. I continued to listen, finding out that the sounds are coming from Felix's room. I walked over to his side and peeked into his room. He didn't have much in his room: a bed, a trunk for clothes, and a desk. He's always said that if his room was full of stuff, he'd become like me. I took that as a compliment, since not a lot of people have the same talent as I did.

Shaking my head, I observed Felix, who was currently tossing his clothes around, as if trying to find something in the trunk. Suddenly, he stopped. His head turned in the direction of the door. Not wanting him to notice me, I slide over to the other side of the floor and went into my room, closing the door with a soft cluck. As if satisfied, the noise continued.

I didn't know what to do. The old man said that we were to prepare, but what. A creak came from the other side, and I peeked my head into the hallway. Felix had a dark orange bag slugged over his left shoulder. He looked in my direction, eyes still lifeless, and asked, "Do you not know what to pack?"

I nodded my head no. My voice was stuck in my throat, surprise and shook made it stuck. Felix's normal carefree way was gone, replaced by a robotic voice. Felix smiled, "All you need is a bag, clothes and your jewel." With that, he descended, leaving me in silence. Knowing that I was wasting precious time, I grabbed my black bag and stuffed enough clothes for three days, a pair of shoes, and a small mirror.

When I finished packing, I put my hand on the knob and looked at my room. It felt like I was going to go on a journey, and never return. Sighing, I turned the knob with my right hand, the bloodstone bracelet shining in the light. I closed the door, double checking the items in my bag, then descended to the first floor.

Well, if you like it so far, give a star.

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Hope to see you at Chapter 8- PREPREPARATIONS!

Fate of Stringsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें