The toilet smells of food

157 12 4

Mark's POV:
Wade and I were walking out of the hormonal-teenage-infested food hall to go sit in the courtyard which is usually where we went to go and hang out with Bob. But Bob was never really interested in hanging out with us, I guess he was just sorta... there. He was more interested in getting a couple bucks from a dumb jock who would rather be hooking up with the first slut he saw then deciding whether he had to multiply or divide. The courtyard was actually suprisingly peaceful. I mean you still had your frustratingly annoying "go city side!" Bullshit from the cheerleaders as they paraded through the middle, but that only happened occasionally, and if you could deal with that, it was probably one of the nicest places to be during school hours.
"Mark. Wade." Bob said acknowledging us for what felt like the shortest two seconds of my life.
I was still dumbfounded by Jack's earlier outburst, which was stupid because it probably wasn't anything to worry about, but something about it made me feel a little off. It didnt help that I couldn't see him anywhere in the food hall.
Wade gestured at me to sit down next to him by patting a bare bit of wooden bench to his left. I shook my head silently and said "I gotta pee." Wade nodded and I left him to talk to Bob, who, still, was busy scribbling notes on his paper. He probably didn't even know where I was going.
Walking through the corridors of serious drama, I noticed it was quieter than usual. Nobody was talking, like they usually were, or yelling, or fighting, they were just silent. Confused, I looked at everyone individually. Everyone had gathered by the locker and I noticed they weren't silent. They were whispering. Poor kid. He must have had a day full of this. Maybe betting off of him was a bad idea...
I pushed the large door to the boys bathroom open softly and scurried my way over to a stall on the opposite side of the small white room. Then I- you're not gonna make me tell you the details of my pee, are you?! Thats a little creepy, dont you think?
I let the water drip out of the rusty tap and gathered it in my hands before splashing it onto my face, trying to calm myself down.
*sound effect of a bag crinkling* (I didnt know how to type that sound out :P) I quickly turned around and looked at the stall opposite me. That sounded like... A bag? As in some sort of food bag?
"Hello?" I said nervously, and no one replied. But it felt quieter than before, as if he was trying to be silent.
With my curiousity going nowhere, I walked to the stall and leaned my head up against it trying to listen if I could hear anything else. Nothing. But then there was movement.
Then suddenly, before I could dive out of the way and save myself from pure emarassment, the door swung open and a furious green haired boy stood facing me.
"Can I help you?" He said sternly.
" What were you doing in there?" Jack's face all of sudden dropped and he started playing with his thumbs, he looked awkwardly around the room as if looking for an excuse to change the subject.
"Nothing. Move." He pushed into my chest and I stumbled backwards slightly. He was moving quickly to get out, but I was still wondering what the hell he was so protective of. I glanced subtly into the stall to see if I could see anything, and a school tray lay sideways on the floor. He was eating in here! 
He almost ran at the door, desperately wanting to get out. But before he could, I jumped in front of the door and lightly placed my hand on his chest to stop him.
Woah, his chest is really-
Wait what?
No, Mark! Not the time.
"Jack. Why were you eating in here?" I said as calmly as I could.
"What makes you think I was!?" He  was at the end of his tether as he spoke, so his voice was strained, and loud. Although, this guy had only been loud so far.
"Jack. The tray." He looked back sharply as if his mind was screaming "oh shit."
"Move outta the way." He panted as he looked back at me.
"Jack, you can't leave until you tell me what you're eating in here for!" Okay, I'll admit it, the calm factor kinda blew out of the window at this point. I was starting to yell.
"Oh yeah?" His eyes suddenly filled with anger, as if another person had taken him over. "What are you gonna do about it, tough guy." He pushed my chest firmly and got closer to my face. So close I could feel his spit running down my cheeks and his breath blowing onto my neck. He shot me daggers with his eyes and I gave up. I slid to the side and opened the door for him to leave. He shot me one last look before disappearing into the sea of people.
If there's one thing I should be more concerned about than his outburst earlier, it was that outburst then. But I decided it was the best to stay out of it. To stay away from this guy as much I could.
Q:- Do you think Mark should stay out of it? Or should he keep trying to talk to Jack?

I only got 2 comments and they made me smile so please keep doing that =)
Love you guys :)

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