Seriously, Jack.

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Jack's POV:

I had been avoiding all eye contact with him since we made it here, but he was beginning to notice something was up. He kept walking closer and closer to me and turning his head sideways trying to get a better look of me than I was actually showing. Maybe I was starting to freak him out. Whatever... it was better than him seeing my blacker than black eye. 

It was embarrassing.

"So I was thinking for the project we could just write a couple lines on a presentation and then go over them in depth?" He said, still trying to look at me. I nodded, but didn't speak, which at the time I didn't realise was making me seem sketchier than I already had been. Mark sighed and then began looking worried. Was he going to ask about it? "...Unless you wanted to do something else." I shook my head again, but still keeping my mouth shut.

Mark was cleaning up the left side while I the right and it was a good system. Until Mark came over to my side take a break.

"Damn I'm tired. Aren't we done yet?" He sat down on the bench and ran a hand through his bright red hair. He let out a small groan like a little kid being dragged through a supermarket. "I thought this thing was only an hour long!"

"It's only been 40 minutes Mark..." I said, but still staying quiet. Either way, he heard it and he jumped up in excitement as if it was the first time he'd ever heard me talk.

So you're not ignoring me!" He shouted. "I thought you weren't talking to me because of what happened yesterday." That made me nervous. I should've just kept my mouth shut and let him talk. There was a sudden silence and it felt slightly awkward. I think he wanted to ask about what happened, but I don't think he wanted to upset me. Which is kinda sweet... "So... Why won't you look at me?" Crap. I was so worried he would ask about me running off that I wasn't worrying enough about him asking about that! What the hell am I supposed to do now!

"Um... I am looking at you."

"Yea but I can't actually see you, why have you still got your hood up?"

"It's cold..." I tried to pull it further over my face but before I could, Mark was walking over to me.

"Don't be ridiculous. Come on Ja-" He swung round so his face was directly in front of mine and for a moment he just stared. And for a moment I just stared back. "Jack... what happened?" He said quietly, his jaw almost smacking against the hard floor beneath us.

"It's nothing..."

"Jack! Stop saying that! What happened!" He shouted making me wince slightly. But then his voice went soft... and it was fluffy and warm and was so soothing I could of fell asleep to it. "Who did this to you... It's okay. You can tell me..." And I really thought I could. I really wanted to but just like always, I was too bloody scared to actually do it. Instead I did something worse, and tears ran down my cheeks. I started blubbering different words, blurring them all together. I fell to the floor with a heap and Mark sat down beside me.

I wasn't having another attack, it was just me being me. And that me is a blubbering idiot who doesn't deserve to talk to someone who might actually care. 

"Jack... it's okay... Please tell me." And after calming down, I did just that. Shaking the whole time I did. "Those assholes. I'll kick their teeth in." I laughed to myself, sniffing away my tears, and faced Mark again. I just looked at him as his anger appeared on his face and it made me feel happy. I've never really been happy... Not like this. Having someone get so angry over something someone did to me... Made me feel so warm and protected. I just hope it would stay like this and my possible new friend wouldn't break me and become my new enemy over night...

Mark shook it off and shifted his whole body so it was in line with mine. I smiled at him when he looked at me. Usually when people see a face with a black circle painted onto it, they look the other way, but Mark was looking at me with his whole body, not just his eyes.

"Jack, I didn't want to ask you, cause I was afraid you'd get upset, but why did you run off yesterday." I thought I would get upset, I thought I would run off again and cry for longer, I thought I would break down right here in front of him, but instead my smile stayed on my face and I didn't feel the slightest bit worried. I wanted to tell him.

"I have a social anxiety disorder." I sighed. I was ashamed of it, so ashamed it hurt. "I take medication to calm me down but I seriously hate it. I used to have a therapist who I hated so fucking much, she would always dig into my life and she treated it as if it was just some case to solve than someone's life." Mark scooted closer to me and put his head into his lap. He wasn't running away. He was still here.

"What are you smiling about?" Mark giggled. I didn't even realise but my mouth was grinning from ear to ear. I felt so happy that I had finally told someone about my disorder... I had finally felt so peaceful.

"Just stuff."

"So what is a social anxiety disorder anyway?" I took a deep breath. I didn't exactly want to explain it, because I thought if I did, it would remind me of the crappy human being I am, but I knew it was either I told him now, or he would just google it later.

"It basically mean I have a social phobia. I'm constantly scared that people are gonna isolate me if they find out things about me. That they'll hate me, or tell everybody else to hate me and I'll just be left alone. So because of that, I have panic attacks pretty much anytime someone asks anything personal. That's why when you asked me why I was strong yesterday, I freaked out and ran away. I was scared if you knew why, you would tell everybody else." I let out a long breath, a weight had been lifted. Mark put his hand on my leg and I stopped breathing for a small second. Was he gonna hurt me? I was just about to start crying again when I was interrupted by Mark's voice.

"I would never hate you."

I couldn't help myself, I smiled harder than I ever had. He actually cared... I found someone who actually cared... And it made me want to tell him absolutely everything. But I still didn't know if I could trust him with what Ben and Josh knew. That was the reason this whole social anxiety thing started. It was because of my dad.


I seriously love leaving this book on cliff hangers XD

Q - So what do you guys think Jack's dad did? And what do you thinks gonna happen now? Is Mark going to tell everyone?

Again, please let me know if you see any mistakes, I din't have any time to go over this chapter today so maybe I'll do it another time or maybe I wont at all, but either way, please point out the mistakes you can see. Thanks.

Love you guys :)


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